Starlancer Q&A With Erin Roberts Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Gamepower recently interviewed Erin Roberts. When asked about his reponse when people call Starlancer "Wing Commander under a new name", he had this to say:
There are a lot of elements from Wing Commander, but what we tried to do with Starlancer is add a new story and universe and a new way of telling the story. We have a new mission system that is more interesting; we tell the story through the missions now, instead of relying on the cinematics. There's no waiting for just the next flick to tell the story.
We already saw that "new" mission system in Wing Commander Secret Ops. You can find the article here. Thanks to ATFW.

Wing Commander Mentions in X:BTF Review Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Action Trip's X: Beyond the Frontier review includes a number of Wing Commander mentions. And excerpt:
All I can conclude is that the game fulfilled all my expectations. There was a great void in this genre since the legendary Elite. Some games like Privateer 1 & 2 tried to fill the gap (and failed according to my opinion). Wing Commanders were great, Freespace 1 & 2 were good copies of their predecessors, I loved the X-Wings, but all I ever wanted was to play an enhanced version of Elite. The sequels to the original game always turned out to be crap, and the aforementioned Privateer just did not have enough of gameplay, literally; it was too short.
You can read the full article here. Again, thanks to ATFW.

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