Cloud Imperium Games Celebrates Big Birthday Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The team over at Roberts Space Industries is celebrating the first anniversary of their Star Citizen announcement. A special live stream will take place this evening at 6:30 pm Central Time (-5 GMT). Chris Roberts and his team are known for pulling off exciting live events, so we would definitely recommend you check it out. Since the party is being held in Austin, it's likely that other famous Origin or Wing Commander personalities will make an appearance, and it should all be lots of fun. You can find more information here or catch the party webcast here.

Greetings Citizens,

We’re less than a week away from the first anniversary of Star Citizen’s announcement! October 10th will mark the one year anniversary of Chris Roberts’ announcing Star Citizen at GDC Online. And we’re celebrating with a special event! Star Citizen developers from offices around the world are gathering in Austin, Texas, where the game was first announced, to celebrate the progress we’ve made.

In honor of this anniversary, Cloud Imperium is hosting a special event in downtown Austin. And… since Star Citizen wouldn’t exist without our backers, we’re opening the show to you! Chris Roberts and the rest of the Star Citizen team will be giving a special keynote presentation to show everyone the work we’ve been doing this past year… and talk about what’s coming next! You can tune in live starting at 6:30 PM CST (-5 GMT) on Thursday, October 10th. One note for our fans worldwide who may not be able to view the event: any limited-time offers will run through the following weekend (ending Monday, October 14th). We will also be announcing the winners of the Star Citizen photo contest. If you’d like to enter, this is your last chance; the deadline is tonight at midnight

Next week also marks the first time the entire Star Citizen team will be in one place at one time, and we’ll be taking full advantage of the opportunity! The MobiGlas concepts above are a small taste of what we’ll be fleshing out during a series of major planning sessions. If you’re familiar with the Star Citizen fiction we’ve already published, you probably remember a character using their MobiGlas, a portable computer interface. Now a challenge for our designers is coming up with how the player will use the MobiGlas; it’s like building an entirely new computer system! These storyboards, created by the team at Behaviour, show our current progress. Next week, the team will be talking about everything from how you’ll use your MobiGlass to how you’ll command capital ships!

We’re looking forward to the summit and to the livestream presentation. We can’t wait to share some more of the work we’ve done in the past year with the community… along with a surprise or two!

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