Fat Man's Highly Rated Book E-Released Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The CIC is here to help with another awesome e-gift. Wing Commander musician George Sanger's book, The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness, has been out of print for a while and is still highly sought after. Used copies in good condition can fetch $100 or more. However, The Fat Man himself tweeted today about the new Kindle edition that's recently been made available. You can now purchase an electronic copy for just $9.99, and Amazon Prime members can even borrow the book for FREE. But even for $9.99, this makes a great last minute Christmas present for yourself or anyone else. Not a Kindle owner? Yes, you are! The Kindle Reader is available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, PC and Mac. Still not sold? There's even a lengthy 40 page preview online (of approximately 400 pages total).
TheMightyFatMan (@TheMightyFatMan): 12/23/11 8:53 AM: Big news for Xmas!! My book is available again-- Go get it, folks!! Hint: it is NOT just about game audio.

Wing One is Available Too Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Also don't forget that Fat Man's official rerelease of the original Wing Commander soundtrack was recently made available again. Purchase and download Wing One from Vibedeck for just $9.98.
I was asked by the game's producer, Chris Roberts, to write something that sounded something like Star Wars and Star Trek the Motion Picture. My Team Fat writing partner, Dave Govett, had this little tune (the fanfare/theme) in his head already. It took him about a day to get finished music to me--and with that one tune, game music took what is perhaps a bigger step than it had taken before or maybe since.

I hope I will be forgiven for saying that, at least for American PC games, it's hard to find a soundtrack with stronger musical sensibility, better composition, or better arrangements. This game supported the then-new MT-32 sound card--this was pre-General MIDI, and most games had just used the internal FM sound card--which was considered high-quality at the time!

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