I just saw the movie on video, and I can't stop watching it. I know all about the "errors" of this movie but you have to remember that this was never intended to win Oscars, it was made so that WC fans, like us, could at last se the glory and grandness of the Wing Commander universe on screen. The 3 latest WC games had a total of 13 CD´s packed Ship specs, mission specs and above all movies. Its easy to criticize the movie when you have over 9 years worth of WC experience on the computer. If I am correct, almost all WC fans would like this movie to be a HUGE box office hit, with Oscars left and right and Chris Roberts raised to God-like status among us the WC fans. Believe me, so would I. However, I am not blind to the obvious "errors" of this movie and I do believe that the script could have been better, with better Infantry scenes. And Blair could have been more in the center of the movie like he should be. But I would rather see this movie than the brain-dead "Street Fighter" or "Mortal Combat" movies, or any other game based movie. In short, despite the set-backs, no one but Roberts could have made this movie with the limited budget and props available. I give it four stars and it deserves nothing less.
Well, I am working on a WC2 script, heavily based after William Forstchen's "Fleet Action" novel, but the going is slow (college is the devil's tool) and my contacts inside Hollywood are slow to respond.I doubt my script will ever see the light of day, let alone celluloid, and I'm quite sure there's someone besides me writing their own WC2 script...Just as long as it ain't Droney. Hmmm...maybe we can put a bounty on him? Nah...
Back to the script, it's not much and I'm still rewriting much of it (I'm very picky about such things) but I do plan to forward it through a lawyer/friend of the family to Fox and see how it goes. If not, then DA gets it...if not...then I re-write the damned thing till I get it right.
Those people not familiar with "Fleet Action" (Shame on you!), it's the time period between the WC2 and WC3 games and depicts a vicious battle of the Confed and Kilrathi Fleets over Earth. It's well worth reading. I'm re-writing it to blend my original story (which was about 80% true to the book) with Peter Telep's "Pilgrim Stars", so now I'm going back and re-writing dialogue and (note to Mr Droney) CHARACTER SCENES.
I'd like to direct it myself but my directoral skills are limited to only a Film-making school's 8 minute short, in which, I had NO control over what-so-ever and let's just say my Hollywood contacts aren't in high places (I'm talking about editors and a few actors ala Bruce Campbell from Army of Darkness. Though I did talk to Ridley Scott once...*reaches for phone*)...
Well, if the Chris Roberts is reading this, drop me a buzz. Again. Everyone else is free to contact me as well...flames, questions, comments, rantings, raves (woo...raves...gotta get back to that) or whatever...please feel more than welcome to contact me!
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