The Biggest Confirmation Yet Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

In exchange for finding this, we've agreed to give Steve "Rocker" Unsen Byydo's first-born son. In the latest issue of the German PC Games magazine there's an interview with Alan Pavlish, whom we reported joined Origin from Tantrum a few weeks ago. The juiciest bits of the interview are below.

PCPL: "What are your duties here at origin?"
AlPv: "I am producing an online game which happens in the Wing Commander Universe"
PCPL: "Privateer Online?"
AlPv: "No comment!"

"It's quite sure that there will be made an online Wing Commander game, but they did not want to reveal more details about this probject. But we could hear the words 'Privateer Online' during our stop at the coffee machine."
There it is..

Cockpit Collection Prophecy Skin Released Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Right on schedule, the Cockpit Collection Prophecy Skin has been released, sort of. The Keyboard Cover now appears in their Products section and they've released a nice picture of it.

Kris also sent us the following about buying the Keyboard Cover in Europe through
Simware will inform me when they can get hold of the Prophecy covers. Shipment to Europe will indeed come down to about $5 US (£3, 190BEF) up to 2 pounds. Because the cover is extremely light, we can be sure of that price.

Erin Roberts Chatting Today Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

There's been a change of plans for today's ATFW's Multi Developer Chat today. Here's the quote from their main page.

I've just found out that Eric Peterson will be unable to make the chat tomorrow due to a birthday celebration. I'd like to wish Eric a happy birthday and hopefully we can chat with him in the future.
However, Digital Anvil will still be represented because Erin Roberts himself will be there!
As a reminder, here's the basic info: the chat will be held at 1 PM Eastern at the #space-sim channel on Gameslink servers. Representatives from Jumpgate, Klingon Academy, Parsec, Starfleet Command, Starlancer, and Tachyon will be on-hand.

Gamespot Redeems Themselves Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Gamespot just came out with their Best Heroes feature and none other than Christopher Blair is prominent among them. The article talks about how Blair isn't physically strong and necessarily very charismatic, but nevertheless has special hero qualities. You can find the feature here and the Blair section here. Thanks to Ainamacar.

A Neat CIC Mention Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Kris kindly sent the Acknowledgements section from Pilgrim Stars for those who haven't gotten the novel yet.


Warm thanks as always to the folks at HarperCollins: John Douglas, Caitlin Blasdell, Rich Miller, and John Silverberg for their continued commitment to my writing.

Chris McCubbin and David Ladyman at Incan Monkey God Studios gave their much-needed advice and criticism during the early stages of this work. Moreover, the Wing Commander Confederation Handbook, produced by Chris and other talented people at IMGS, allowed me to create a strong sense of continuity with this new Wing Commander film-based universe. I'm deeply indebted to their fine work. Those familiar with the handbook will notice my many allusions to it in this text.

I'd be remiss if I did not salute Mr. Ben Lesnick and the other passionate and articulate members of the Wing Commander Combat Information Center website. They provided me with timely information on film-related news, answered my pesky questions, and even helped to promote my work.

Finally, I'm overjoyed to note that my wife delivered our second daughter during the writing of this novel. Any woman who can do that and put up with a workaholic geek like me should either be committed or get a medal. Actually, she had expensive jewelry in mind...

Really Fast Shipping Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Even Karl Frank in Austria has received his Pilgrim Cross from Tuscany Trading. Since they were all mailed out no earlier than Tuesday, that's only a four-day transit time. Not bad. I received mine yesterday too. Below are Karl's thoughts about the Cross.

Not really a hot news, but I too got my cross today. Very impressive delivery speed. Also all correspondence was very fast and friendly I can only very highly recommend the Tuscany Trading Company. That said back to the cross... As already said by others it is a bit at the heavy side, maybe a bit too heavy for wearing all day. But then who would? It might get a scratch. (G) That brings you to the really nice wooden plate. Perfect for displaying this collectors item. Only downside I find is that the knife does not retract into the cross. All you can do is to remove it.
And while I was playing with the Cross last night I realized that if the blade did actually spring out there'd be a lot of injured WC fans this weekend. :)

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