Broadsword Brings Big Boom Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Howard Day has another marvelous Broadsword paint scheme to unveil. This one is a World War 2 themed retro design. There's a special LOAF nose art and kill markings on the hull, and don't miss the Confed star in place of the five-point in some of the shots.
This particular Broadsword has downed numerous enemy fighters, two Fralthis, a Ralatha, and a Fraltha. It's also expended several dozen torpedoes.

Making the Game: Captain Report Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We're moving on from Wing Commander Prophecy to a limited amount of material from its sequel, Wing Commander Secret Ops. Primarily, we'll be looking at draft and collected versions of the famous web fiction -- but there will be some other treats included. This document is an earlier version of all Captain Murkins' (known here as Captain [Name]) 'pre-series' reports. The most interesting thing is that they seem to have been originally developed as something much more interactive; some of the later updates include optional text that would be displayed depending on overall performance rather than just whether or not the previous series was won.

These updates are thanks to John "Captain Johnny" Guentzel, who provided several CD image archives of material used by the Wing Commander Prophecy development team!

Captain Report
Download (15 kb)

Date: July 8, 1998
Project: Wing Commander Secret Ops
Donated By: John Guentzel
Pages: 14

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