Gemini Gold Wants To Paper Your Walls Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

John Cordell has released his snazzy Privateer Gemini Gold splash image as a set of high resolution wallpapers. The scene is a very sharp and tasteful recreation of an original piece of Privateer artwork. The BMP included with Origin FX is shown side-by-side below for comparison - even the star patterns and gas cloud in the background are similar!
Today many PC video games feature some kind of wallpaper to pin onto your desktop. Privateer never had an official wallpaper but there was nice box cover artwork! We use that for our website's head as well as for the CD covers we provide for download. The original source was only available in 640x480, so we took the same models, threw them together and created a high-definition widescreen variant of the scene! It is available as a wallpaper package for various resolutions.

Making the Games: Pelican Artwork Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Today we feature two alternate takes on the same basic C-9 Pelican artwork. Frankly, I'm surprised that more textured versions of ships like this even exist - what was the artwork ever used for? There aren't any Pelican cutscenes.

Thanks to Captain Johnny for both archiving and providing this material!

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