A number of people have noticed that Electronic Arts is now marketing a three pack of 'The Best Sci-Fi Games Ever' which contains Blade Runner, Dune 2000 and Wing Commander Prophecy. Reports are that it retails for about $30. I've never played Blade Runner, but I loved Dune 2000, and I'm sure you all know how I feel about Prophecy...
You can help the people over at WCUE decide which splash screen (from their splash screen contest) to use by voting in this poll -- there are some excellent ones! It appears as if they've solved the problem of the missing room picture, too, so that's another load off of our backs...
There's a cool new contest entry over at The Official Wing Commander Site of Peter Telep. Check out the competition here.
A report by political observer Matara Leigh. The Council for Morals and Ethics has succeeded in passing its new 'Cult Law' which subjects all religious groups to restrictive guidelines. It is now illegal for religious leaders to accept money from followers, for religious groups to have access to any opinion forming medium, and for a cult to offer any intangible service, such as 'soul cleansing', for money. On the other hand, productive religions, such as the Avuncular Order of Hom, are highly praised, and are being offered added incentives for concentrating on improving the material world.
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