Das Erwachen Stille Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Deacan reports that book two in his German Privateer 2-themed fan series is back from the printers. The book price is approximately 16 Euros, which is the break-even point for printing costs. Stille is listed on German Amazon but for now you have to order directly from Deacan. You can find the first Erwachen book online (in German) at Crius.net here. A preview of the second novel has also been posted here.
If you like to get a printed copy of the 2nd novel from the "Erwachen" series of books, here is the way to do so:

Send an email to stb@sidiblume.de

Please include the following info:
- your (real) name
- a fully functional mailing address (!)
- ..including your town/land, state/province and country

Point of Origin: Vol. VIII, No. 2-2 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

After dozens of updates on the subject we finally reach the last issue of The Point of Origin - October 30, 1998. It features a particularly apt spotlight story: "Ultima Online Takes Over the World." Indeed Origin would last for another five years -- but without Wing Commander or (apparently) a newsletter.

We hope you've enjoyed these features. I started doing them largely to force myself to study all this material... and so I could better understand what a special place Origin was. I think exactly that has come across over the last few months worth of Point updates, and I hope we've preserved some of their world for the future to appreciate.

A very special thanks to Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum for making this resource available and to Electronic Arts for sending them to him in the first place!

  • In Ink has some last words for Secret Ops and Prophecy:
Most of the treats have been showing up in relation to Wing Commander and Secret Ops. USA Today writer Tom Ham wrote, "The graphics of Secret Ops are nothing short of brilliant. The intuitive interface lets beginning wing commanders, as well as veteran pilots, jump right into the action. Tight controls and great use of stereo sound round out this truly engrossing space adventure."

Many publication elected not to review the game because of the segmented availability of the product. However, those that did had high praise for ORIGIN. Hot Games.Com gave Secret Ops a score of 5 out of 5. "Secret Ops is one of the greatest blasters you can currently get on your PC, it's as simple as that. Stunning visuals, furious action and an overwhelming sense of atmosphere really draw you in."

Another strong review came from Games Domain Review. "Whatever Origin's reasons are (for giving it away free), Secret Ops is a windfall for any space combat fan."

Voodoo Magazine (the official 3Dfx magazine) said this about Secret Ops, "If you've been a dedicated Wing Commander player, now's your chance to get something back from Origin."

Even the Austin American-Statesman was getting in on the act. "Light years ahead," said business writer Omar Gallaga. "Origin breaks new ground again with its free gaming saga. The company has proved it can change the way software works."

The good news wasn't just limited to Secret Ops. Computer Shopper magazine, which reaches more than half a million readers selected Wing Commander Prophecy as among its Top 100 Products of the Year. WCP was among 13 games and game gear products selected in the Top 100, among them Unreal and The Curse of Monkey Island. Editors wrote this about WCP, "You'll need a fast CPU and a late-model 3-D accelerator to see the game at its best, but if your system has the horsepower, you won't believe your eyes."

Point of Origin
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (2) - October 30, 1998
Ultima Online Takes Over the World
Look, Ma! I'm a Fighter Pilot!
News From Your Entertainment Committee
Happy Birthday
In Ink
Customer Support Knows No boundaries
"Ultima-te" Challenge!
Hot Wheels Spin Out of Control at Grand Prix
The Future

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