Maniac Speaks! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

McGruff caught one of Tom Wilson's many comedy club appearances recently, and he's got the goods to prove it. Besides getting a snazzy photo of the pair, McGruff also asked Maniac to sign his rare Hell's Archers shirt. You can see that the shirt is also signed by Margaret Weis, one of the co-designers of the Wing Commander Customizable Card Game on which the shirt was based. Mag Force 7 produced the shirt for employees who worked on the CCG.
He actually looked at it with a hint of recognition and said "Hey... is that a Wing Commander shirt?"

Point of Origin: Vol. III, No. 45 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

There's nothing too exciting in the August 27, 1993 issue of Point of Origin... several projects are continuing in development as planned, and there's no huge end-of-quarter rush like there was in the previous year. One thing I think we're starting to see here is an increased corporatization of Origin - check out the 'Dear Point Man' answers this time around to see what I mean... although these recent issues have insisted that Origin is independent from EA's normal setup, it looks like the partnership is starting to take its toll.

A very special thanks to Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum for making this resource available and to Electronic Arts for sending them to him in the first place!

  • This issue's Pulse Check has a status update on Privateer: "In testing: Shadowcaster, which is 'tracking,' (is anyone else getting tired of that story yet?); Privateer, which is reportedly shaping up nicely; and Tactical Ops, which, according to playtesters, is great and should sign off Monday or Tuesday."
Point of Origin
Vol. III, No. 45 - August 27, 1993
On the Run
Pulse Check
Dear Point Man
Top Product Support Calls
Revised ORIGIN Org Chart
EOM: Karl Kabler
Firm Upgrades EA Stock
iNTEL Stock COuld Rise 50%
Rising Temps
Old Faces, New Places
New in the Library

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