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There was an honorable mention of Wing Commander in the latest Might and Magic VII review at Firing Squad. You can find it here. Thanks to Chris Geroux.

Honorable mention goes to the other Quest series (Police Quest, Space Quest), which are both up to 6 titles now. Wing Commander has 5, 7 counting WC : Armada and WC : Academy. Wizardry has 7 games in its flock.

Ultimate Sci-Fi Pack Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I was making my usual software store rounds earlier this week and a number of stores are selling discount software packs. They looked somewhat cheap and didn't appear to have a nice brand name logo on them, but as far as I could tell only EA games were for sale (Westwood, Origin and Jane's games). Anyhow, the "Ultimate Sci-Fi Pack" has Dune 2000, BladeRunner and Wing Commander Prophecy for $30. Since you can find Prophecy Gold for $25 for less, you might not want to look into it unless you wanted Dune 2000 or BladeRunner for whatever reason.

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