Wing Commander Film Before the From? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Yes, I wonder about this update title too, but hey, that's the Babelfish translation of a news update on about the WC movie. Here's the rest of the Babelfished article:

WCNews reports that after miserablen cutting off in the states, the release date of the Wing Commander of motion picture film was postponed in Belgium for indefinite time. Also in England it was deleted by Fox and should be available on video only 2004. In Italy is it outside, but whether it ever appears in Germany is still uncertainly. The official date with 20th Century Fox Germany is set for 04 November.
What can we read in to this? Well here are the options:
A) FOX plans to release the movie in Germany in November and nowhere else.
B) FOX plans to release the movie everywhere around November time.
C) FOX Germany web guys are stupid.
D) FOX sucks.
E) Babelfish sucks.

Which is it? Who knows...

Freelancer vs WC Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Edward Pang found an article which both compares Wing Commander and Starlancer, and gives a bit of insight into Chris Robert's future... it's located at Gamecenter, here. Here's some of the more important parts...
Of course, one of the big questions gamers will have is how closely related to the Wing Commander series these games will be--after all, Roberts created those games, too. "Starlancer is a space-combat simulator just as Wing Commander is," said Roberts. "What takes it beyond Wing Commander is the attention [to] and quality [of] detail. Missions are very detailed and are much more than just showing up at a nav point and fighting a dozen ships."

OK, but what about Freelancer? "Freelancer is way beyond anything I've done in the Wing Commander universe. It's going to be a fully functioning, living, breathing universe with a whole ecosystem. You can see the promise in something like Privateer, but this is geometrically beyond that game," said Roberts. "It's like building a city. Compared to Privateer, the scope, the dynamic universe--it's all 3D--is much more interesting. There's much more intrigue the player can get involved in. Everything's rule-based vs. scripted. Commerce happens, trade happens, and piracy happens because of what's going on in the game universe and not because of scripted events."

I asked Roberts if there is any chance he will work on the Wing Commander franchise again. "Never say never...but working on Wing Commander seems pretty unlikely at the moment," replied Roberts. He did mention that he was a bit disappointed that Origin has no plans for any more single-player Wing Commander games.

Finally, I wanted to know if he has plans to direct any more movies. He replied, "Directing is on hold right now. I do have a small film I want to do about a guy who has to deliver a package on New Year's Eve and what happens to him. I cowrote it with a screenwriter friend. It's called The Package, and I may shoot it in Austin this winter." Hmmm...I guess there are no Kilrathi in it, eh Chris?

New Cover Coming Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Vincent Formosa reports that he's working on a new version of his DVD box cover, designed to list the same features as the real one. His original one can be found here. The new one will be available here soon...

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