Let The Stars Get In Your Prophecies Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Are you enjoying the new starfields in Standoff? Then you'll behappy to know that Pedro and PopsiclePete have developed a new version of the WCP/SO OpenGL update which adds them to the 'original' game! Here's the official word:

This is a new version of Alex Barnfield's OpenGL dll for Wing Commander Prophecy and Secret Ops. Along with a few performance enhancements and bug fixes over the previous version, this new one also includes the same enhanced starfields that were released in Standoff Episode 4.

What it does:

  • The OpenGL mode allows to play WCP and SO in virtually any resolution your monitor can support, accomodating widescreen monitors with black bars on the side if needed.
  • The original art and movies are upscaled to keep their original proportions when playing in any resolution.
  • Plays without the DirectX mode texture alignement bugs and reimplement the graphic options that were previously only usable in Glide mode.
  • Little cosmetic enhancements, such as the enhanced starfields
This replacement GL doesn't work with HCl's patched yet, but hopefully will in the near future. The next version will also include hi-res textures for the cockpit elements so they scale better at high resolutions.
Download it here (2 mb ZIP).

The Art of Wing Commander Arena - Part Seven Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

And now, the end of the line in our long series of Arrows - literally! This is the finished result of all the previous design work - an orthographic view of the Arrow, looking very similar to how it appears in the finished Wing Commander Arena game. Also, note the 'Arrow V' in the flavor text - they were doing their research!

This is part of a series of beautiful Wing Commander Arena concept images graciously provided by Gaia Industries. You can find the original article here. You can thank the guys at Gaia by picking up Street Trace NYC on Xbox Live Arcade!

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