We're preparing to order CIC T-shirts for the staff, and are wondering if anyone else would be interested in acquiring one! They have the CIC logo over the left breast and our URL on the back. It's a one of a kind collectable for people who collect shirts with our logo on them (you know who you are, Alex). If you're interested, contact Jibbo. The XL's will cost $20 US for people in North America and $25 US for overseas orders. XXL will be two dollars extra... this includes shipping!
For those of you willing to go the extra mile to see the Wing Commander movie now, there are multiple 'preview' copies on sale at EBay. Here are a few...
Remember those two Wing Commander movie posters from Scorpio? The ones of Blair and Maniac? Well, All Wall is offering them for sale at only $8.99 each! They also provided some nice higher quality images of them...
Hiya people, sorry for the downtime -- between getting sick and the server being mixed up (a BIG thanks to whoever fixed it!) I wasn't able to update yesterday... not that there's much news, unfortunately. Anyway, I'm feeling better and the site is working again... so all is good in the world.
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