Après MIDIs Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Some time ago, AD managed to extract all the MIDI music from the PSX port of Wing Commander III (here). Now he's back with an updated version, properly organized with duplicates removed and the actual track names restored. Here's his word:
I have recently been exploring new extraction methods to some success. Thus I am happy to say that I am now able to provide a new package (a ZIP file containing all 28 wc3 PSX midis without duplicates) to *replace* the old package. The files should be of similar quality, but here I also have extracted the names of the file used by the game internally. It should also be easier to find the specific piece you want to play.

I came in contact with the guys over at xentax.com and, when I detailed what I wanted to do, it was only a short while before they were able to provide a solution. I'm attaching a custom script for their MultiEx Commander program (a utility for exploring various game resource archive files). People who pay to register the program can use the script to extract any file from the *.LIB files - including all the movies and comm audio files - from the PSX versions of WC3 and WC4. So far, though, I have only had success in playing the MIDIs and have not yet come up with a solution for the movies and dialogue. I'm in the process of looking into the movie and audio file formats next.

You can download the updated MIDI pack here (151 kb) and the MultiEx Commander script here.

DooM Goes Live Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Microsoft surprised many today by announcing (and then releasing) the original DooM for X-Box Live Arcade, complete with online multiplayer functionality. You can find GameSpot's article on the release here. They've not only ported the most expansive version of the game (Ultimate DooM), but have added a host of Live-specific elements.

At the risk of editorializing, this could be the start of an excellent trend -- the sheer scope of functionality added to newer Live Arcade games is stunning. I think we can all think of another popular 1990s franchise that should be available for modern consoles, and the increasing popularity of X-Box Live Arcade makes it just the place for Electronic Arts to consider putting a Wing Commander port. This seems within the realm of possibility, given the imminent release of EA Replay for the Sony PSP. Here's to hoping!

DooM is available now for 800 MS Points.

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