Classic Ad Mentions Never-Released WC Port Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Stone48420 scanned a couple of old Wing Commander 3 advertisements that he had around, and they're both pretty neat. The first is a full spread that talks about WC3's imminent arrival for Macintosh, Playstation and Sega Saturn. These were released in late 1995 and early 1996, except for the Saturn port which never made it to stores. Nevertheless, "The Universe Keeps Expanding" was a very accurate title for the state of the franchise in 1995. Pictured second is a one-page ad specifically for the 3DO version of Wing Commander 3. More people probably played the Mac and PSX ports, but the 3DO edition was quite a treat. It featured high quality video, full color comms, reworked missions and new weapons/ships. Although the ground missions were omitted, they were replaced with fancy prerendered videos that demonstrated what occurred on the planets below. WC3 3DO was also where fans got their first look at missing videos such as the Hobbes explanation clip.
I found a few more things you guys may be interested in. Got a couple of Wing Commander 3 scans: a one page and a two page ad. The origin muesum fellows have the master copy, but I figured people may want to see these.

Only Tolwyn Could Go To China Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Pacific Epoch, a Chinese news site, has posted commentary on EVE Online's apparent failure in the Chinese market. Naturally, the problem is the same one we face today - a lack of Wing Commander.
Western kids grew up on flight and space sim games - Microsoft Flight Simulator, Wing Commander, Star Wars series (X-Wing, Tie Fighter, etc). Chinese gamers started their gaming experience a little late. As I said in our game report, that doesn't mean Chinese gamers aren't as good - the average Chinese gamer is probably superior in RTS and FPS games to his Western counterpart. But one area where Chinese gamers are less mature in that they haven't experience as many genres of games, and space sim is one of them.
They could have fooled us, though. As we recently reported, Wing Commander games have been available in China since the start of the series!

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