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Marc from the Sci-Fi Models Annexe recently visited the Forums to tell everyone that his site has moved to a new location. In the transition, he also managed to reveal the first few shots of his next paper model, the TCS Victory model. Its bow is pictured below. If his other designs are any indication, this new ship should turn out really great. Along with the Pepakura Viewer, Marc's detailed templates and instructions provide Wing Commander fans with everything they need to make their own paper models. You can find details here. His site also features kits for Star Wars, Mech Warrior and more!

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While other news sites are reporting on some big antiterrorist business in Iraq today, the CIC has more important things to cover. Space Ghost upgraded the original 'Love Your Dad' poster from Privateer 1 with a slightly more lifelike image. He actually sent this one in a while ago, and LOAF coincidentally came across it again today. Just in time for Father's Day too! You can find the other virtual posters from Privateer here.

Always got a good chuckle out of those posters in the Guild Hall. Here's an attempt at revamping one.

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