PiArmada 0.9 Released Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

ZOmegaZ has finally released an upgraded version of PiArmada, his attempt to clone Wing Commander Armada. The flight engine which was hastily added to version 0.8 has been polished up for the new 0.9 release. Various graphics have been updated and individual game settings are now easier to edit. New keyboard shortcuts have also been added, and the game can be saved and resumed later. The next version will allow players to play as the Kilrathi or even create their own custom races. You can download the new 75 meg zip for the game here.
So it took me nearly a year, but I've finally released a new version of PiArmada! Sorry it took me so long, guys, I know I told some people it'd be done before now. Still, I think you'll find it worth the wait! .08 was effectively .07 with the flight engine hacked onto it. This is a much cleaner implementation, with quite a number of new features.
Owners of the original Armada can find out how to play it online with other Wing Commander fans here.

Problem 0: Game Movies Are Easy Targets Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Heart of the Tiger found a Wing Commander mention in the June 2006 issue of PSM. The magazine attempts to explain why "Hollywood hates us" by running down the typical list of complaints. The article makes claims such as "there hasn't been a big hit" and "game stories are weak" while ignoring a number of major exceptions. Oh well, you can't win them all. The shot below is a bit blurry, but you're not missing too much. A few of the movies on their list are pretty bad, but a few are really good too.

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