DragonCon Ticket Prices Increase Next Week Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Each year time seems to move faster, and somehow we're less than four months away from our annual trip to DragonCon. People who are considering attending have until May 15 to get their event passes for $60. The price jumps to $70 after that. Tickets into the convention are one of the cheaper costs to consider after travel and hotel bills are worked in. If you have any questions about these logistics, feel free to ask at our DragonCon Forum. The CIC staff typically uses this Labor Day event to relax and hang out, but we will also be meeting together during the week prior to work on a few various projects. We'll probably just end up playing Armada, Prophecy multiplayer and the Wing Commander CCG, but either way it'll be time well spent. Below are a few memorable moments from last year. The first image shows a family dressed up as the Incredibles, the next is Halman and Blonde getting ready to show off the CIC banner, and the final shot pictures a few of us after a long day of hitting convention events. New names are being added to the list of guests for DragonCon '06 all the time. Over 100 famous people in the areas of fantasy and science fiction are already confirmed.

You can check out last year's photo gallery here.

GameTap Bringing Back Old Series With New Episodic Release Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's only Tuesday, and there have already been tons of amazing announcements out of this week's annual Electronic Entertainment Expo. It's hard to sift through the deluge of information being presented, but there are a few hidden gems that might be relevant to our cause. There hasn't been a lot of news on Wing Commander Privateer's addition to the GameTap service since it was revealed a few months ago, although the site's actual website front page now features a screenshot of Privateer in action. On the bright side, the company has just announced that they will be co-publishing a new game in the Sam & Max series. This is partly because of the feedback from the series' dedicated online community and fan base. The new game will be released in an episodic format over the service later this year. GameTap will be uniquely positioned to gauge the popularity of the WC series when they finally add P1 to their lineup, and hopefully we'll show them just how popular Wing Commander really is.

In other news, Sony has confirmed that the Playstation 3 will play original Playstation games such as Wing Commander 3 & 4, and EA has announced they will have a number of hit franchises ready to support the Nintendo Wii launch this fall. There's been no word on a Wing Commander yet.

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