Time For The End Of Music Videos Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Plywood Fiend has strung together another music video to get fans in the Wing Commander mood. This one is almost entirely action oriented with a variety of fighter duels, personal conflict and capship engagements depicted. The music to match is "End of All Hope" by Nightwish, and Wing Commander 3, Super Wing Commander and Wing Commander Academy all contribute to the commotion. Although there's not used very heavily, the SWC clips are neat for a change. You can grab the 23 meg wmv here.

Another New Studio Formed In Austin Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

GameSpot reports that BioWare has created a new division in Austin focused on an unannounced massively multiplayer title. This is the second new mmo developer to make the news in the last week. You can't set up shop in Austin without including someone who once worked for Origin, and this new studio is no exception. Rich Vogel, a producer of the original Ultima Online and Privateer Online, is one of BioWare Austin's leads. Former EA vice president Gordon Walton, who oversaw the ill-fated Ultima Online 3, will be joining Vogel.

Located in a longtime hub of game development, BioWare Austin already has a veteran management team in place. James Ohlen, BioWare's current creative director and former lead designer of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Neverwinter Nights, will become lead designer at the one-game shop. Richard Vogel, former SOE vice president of product development and a senior producer at Origin when Ultima Online launched, has also been offered a high-ranking position. Also on board is another MMORPG vet, Gordon Walton, a former VP at both SOE and Electronic Arts. The studio is also filling positions for programmers, designers, artists, animators, writers, and world-builders.

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