Lego Longbow Ready For Combat Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Vermin has improved his popular Longbow model made entirely out of Legos. The first change is apparent in the structure. All four wings have been redesigned to more appropriately balance with the proportions of the fuselage. Forward guns and the rear turret were also completed. Step by step instructions are in the works, and a basic sample of their design is pictured below. Vermin hopes to post the final model to the Lego site so people can purchase the necessary pieces and build their own soon.

Use Wing Commander Ships In Tabletop VBAM Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Jay wanted to let everyone know about two Wing Commander packs available for the Victory By Any Means pen & paper role playing system. It looks kind of complicated to me, but people familiar with the game can use these ready-made Excel sheets to play their own Wing Commander themed variants. The general mod pack is available here. The second pack is a larger file with much more detailed spreadsheets for fighter combat. Last year CmdrPanda made some impressive miniatures to use with the Starmada relative of VBAM as well.
Starmada is a simple (but not simplistic) board game of starship combat, in which players square off in a general attempt to blast each other's fleets into just so much space junk. While the universe of the Imperial Starmada and its major adversaries is fully detailed in the rulebook, Starmada is much more than just another game, tied down to its own background. Instead, Starmada can be played in just about any science fiction setting you can imagine. There are dozens of optional rules, exotic special equipment items, and menacing weapons that can be used or discarded at your discretion, to create the type of game you want to play!


I came across some WC material for the second war era. Players have been using it in the VBAM game system, and I thought I would pass it along to the community. Tyrel Lohr is the author of the material. I don't know if it is perfect, but it is fun.

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