Lego Of My Longbow Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

A newcomer to the WC Lego scene, Vermin, has been tinkering with the MLCAD program. A nifty looking Longbow was the result! He hopes to get instructions up soon, which is just as well since the design looks pretty complicated. There are also a few details yet to be added, such as the front guns and a turret. That's a great looking Lego landing gear too. I wonder if it retracts.

C&C First Decade Ships To Stores Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Electronic Arts announced this morning that they have shipped Command & Conquer: The First Decade. This new pack represents one of EA's most complete series anthlogies ever. Beginning with 1995's original C&C title, the set includes twelve titles released during the franchise's first ten years. As the FMV concept proved to be mainly a fad, both Wing Commander and Command & Conquer were two of the few that were able to pull it off with a lot of success. Although the development team behind Generals & Zero Hour has been working on the Lord of the Rings based RTS games lately, First Decade's title implies there is more yet to come. For $39.99, buyers also get a bonus DVD with concept art, developer interviews and contributions from the world's biggest C&C fans. EA has also set up a Screenshot Hall of Fame to record players' biggest moments. For fans of both Wing Commander and Command & Conquer, picking up this special set might tell EA how interested gamers are in their classic game catalog from the 1990s.

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