Read The Fiction Behind The Comic Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's some sad news regarding Kenshi's WC Comic Project that we last heard from at the end of last year. It seems now that the project is probably defunct as nobody has been able to contact Kenshi for several months. But there is some good news as Maj.Striker has posted the fiction that he wrote which would have been the backstory behind the comic.

2654.288 A.D.
Proxima System, Douglas Quadrant (Vega Sector).
TCS Falcon

Captain Hermann “Baron” Vorchstein eyed the cards in his hand coolly, they hadn’t been favorable to him lately and it was certainly looking like his luck wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Tearing his eyes away from his dismal hand of cards he eyed his opponent seated directly across from him. Poker peer, Lt. Jonathan Craft was still intensely focused on whatever hand he held. Hermann had no doubt that whatever the young lieutenant was holding it had to be better than his own cards. Hermann had almost bowed out last round and now that he had seen what he had been dealt he regretted his decision to stick it out for another hand. Well, here was yet another week’s salary gone down the drain with nothing but a rotten spirit to show for it. What a disgrace…Hermann shifted his gaze to his immediate left to see longtime flying partner, Sarah Molynieux, looking entirely too pleased with her cards. Perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing, if he was going to lose his money it might as well to Sarah, better her than the silent Jonathan Craft. Hermann could swear the man didn’t have a tongue, he rarely spoke a word even when it was important. There was no way Hermann could tell what Jonathan was holding in his hands but it was clear that Sarah was packing a winner, she typically didn’t let her emotions show during the game. Then again, she could be bluffing, it wasn’t entirely unlike her, she was a habitual risk taker.

You can read the full story in this thread.

Jumpgate EU Server To Shut Down, US Server Now Worldwide Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Nohbody reports that the European Jumpgate server will shut down at the end of the month. Jumpgate is the Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game that almost became Privateer Online.
The loss of the EU server means that the US server will now become the worldwide server by default. Provisions are being made to transfer active EU server accounts to the remaining Jumpgate server. Current EU players who wish to keep flying may do so. NetDevil expects a somewhat bumpy transition period as the billing and support teams, as well as the community, all adapt to the new situation. NetDevil will alter the Terms of Service for Jumpgate to remove the article prohibiting European players on the former US server, which had been required by contract with Mightygames.
You can read more about this at JOSSH and at Mightygames.

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