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It seems like flights are really cheap right now, making this the perfect time to book for Dragon*Con. Several of us already have tickets, which is a couple of months earlier than usual for us but I was able to save about $400 on my tickets alone. In case you've forgotten, Dragon*Con is "America's largest, multi-media, popular arts convention—focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film", and is where we hold our annual Wing Commander get-together. We've also been able to meet various WC celebrities each year. Everyone is welcome, and each year several new people attend after seeing how much fun we've had. Try searching for flights - you need to arrive at Atlanta airport on either September 1 or early on September 2, and fly home on the afternoon/evening of September 5. Just look at our past gatherings to see what fun we have, and our commentary on the photos such as this:

ChrisReid: Usually I start with pictures of people sleeping, but the day really didn't start like that. The Wing Commander card game we started at 11:30 pm the night before didn't end until about 6:00 am this morning.
Hades: Four player games are fun, if a little confusing and time consuming.
Blonde: I was asleep at this point but...
ace: It's pretty easy to get tired of the CCG after six hours, but we'd always play again a few hours later.

ChrisReid: After the card game we did some top secret investigation and stayed up a little more.
Blonde: I was awakened about an hour later to take part in the top secret investigation.
LOAF: The shocking results of the investigation are directly below!

The results of the investigation are on this page. If you have any questions about attending, post here.

Kuiper? LOAF Just Mer Her! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Antman and team have been working on a new space sim project. They are attempting to recreate elements of the original space sim Allegiance with a greater emphasis on capital ships. Allegiance was almost an mmo game, and Kuiper will also support large numbers of multiplayer ships. You can find more pictures and gameplay videos here. There isn't too much to see yet, but certain parts seem fairly polished already.

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