Holding The Line Chapter 191 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's big things happening at HTL headquarters. Raptor wants to tell you about it, and for good measure he has put up a new chapter too.

Hey all, Raptor here

HTL continues with the second part of Scraps Of Honour 14, which carries on Nick "Chaeronea" Deane's excellent series following the Border Worlds reserve forces. As you saw in the last chapter, the reserves were preparing themselves to take on the Nephilim fleet that had jumped in from Ymir, a much more dangerous assignment than the one they had been told to expect at the start of the campaign. By using the "Matador Strategem" however, they just might be able to pull it off. In the meantime, a civilian ship has gotten too close to the combat zone, and a flight from the Sicily is racing to help. This chapter picks up from there. Please send any all comments to Nick at babylons@tpg.com.au, not to me.

The story is at: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~theraj/archives/ch191.htm

HTL will also be getting a new presence on the Internet in the coming months. This is very much a long term project, but the HTL team is working on putting together a master site for the entire Holding The Line project. At the moment, we've got the project's starting point on the HTL homepage, most of our older stories on the Solsector archives, new stories on the current chapter archives, and unit and faction information on various homepages, some of which are still online and some not. The current set up gets the job done, but with HTL wrapping up, we wanted a site where people could see the whole thing in its entirity.

For that reason, we recently registered the domain name holdingtheline.net, though there's nothing there at the moment. Cyberion, who created the tasty ship renderings that we presented a few weeks ago, is working on additional ships and artwork for the site, and the other writers and I are working with a professional web designer to put the web site itself together. We aiming to have the core site going live at the end of this year or early next year, in time for HTL's 6th anniversary and a couple of other major milestones which are coming up. That will be far from the end of the project though, as we aim to keep adding to and expanding the site afterwards, making it a one stop shop for everything HTL related. Watch this space.

Best, Raptor

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