The Wing Commander inspired PC case that Castle has been working on this year is now complete. Sparing an additional light or two that might get added to brighten the thing, the case is ready to be used. It's got a Confed star on one side and a Centurion silhouette on the top. A cool blue light makes these special fan vents stand out.
We also covered beginning and middle progress updates that are pretty interesting.
We're beginning to line up cool and exciting prizes for the CIC Birthday next month, and we found one that would also make a great prize for a summer trivia game. TC will be putting together an abbreviated game this summer, and we hope to make it a little bit interesting to compensate for the shorter schedule. It will continue throughout this month and on until August 10, the CIC's Sixth Birthday. So start your studying, the game begins very soon.
The Super Soaker Rocket turned out to be pretty great, so I had to share a couple pictures. We actually couldn't get the launcher to work quite right, so we had to manually trigger it up close. It gets up to 100-150 feet on a full charge.
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