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Mark Vearrier has done it again - to thank us for the interest in his auctions, he's sent an amazingly high resolution Wing Commander IV image for us to post. You may remember that he also sent a trio of amazing Prophecy images a while back... but I think the detail on this blows even those away! Check out the fantastic picture of a Border Worlds Banshee-class light fighter below. Be sure and let him know how much you appreciate images like this by bidding on his auctions!

WC Saga Gets Relay'd Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Starman has posted another new Wing Commander Saga (FreeSpace 2 mod) rendering: the Confederation Relay Station. These stations were introduced in Wing Commander IV as part of an effort to 'flesh out' the Wing Commander universe... to give the player the feeling that he was flying missions inside a living, breathing universe rather than an objective-specific void. Here's the WC Saga team's take on the design:

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