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It has been over three years since we wondered about the possibility of running WC games on alternative operating systems with the aid of an emulator. Now courtesy of Pepito "Peña" we have received our first report of a WC game running under Linux with the aid of the Wine emulator. It isn't perfect as the game will sometimes quit randomly, but it's a start. Know of another WC game supported by Wine? Let us know!

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HotT found an old article on game to movie conversions that we missed back in the day. Article like this are mostly all the same, but typically the author claims to have seen most of the movies that the feature trashes. We're not fortunate enough to get that treatment here.
I haven’t seen Tomb Raider... I’ve only seen the trailer for Resident Evil... The House of The Dead movie won’t be out until later this year... I’ve only seen bits of Wing Commander on cable...
Who picked this guy to write the game to movie article? A couple of the movies on his list aren't that bad (and he's seen them). If you'd like to check them out, you can find the article here.

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