An Artist's Conception of the Future that Could Have Been Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Last year we reported about a professional artist who had been contracted to do ship designs for a version of Wing Commander Online. The game didn't make it, but his concept art persists on the web. People got to talking at Crius, and the result was Eder thoughtfully modeling some of the designs. Below is one I really like and think would have been especially pretty in an "ugly duckling" sort of way. You can find the models Eder made here. The original Wing Commander Online art that prompted this can be found here.

I kind of think of it as a Vampire gone wild.

A Look Back at Wing Commander From Germany Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I don't speak German, but I know an in-depth Wing Commande feature when I see one. The German gaming site PC Player Forever has done a historical look back at the primary Wing Commander products. Beginning in 1990 with Wing Commander 1, they detail each main game and provide some good pictures for each. After hitting on the WC Movie, they talk about Chris Roberts and his new Point of No Return Entertainment company. Wing Commander has always been quite big in Germany, so it's not surprising to see something like this pop up in that part of Europe. You can find the article for yourself here.

Als „Wing Commander“ 1990 als zweite Arbeit des jungen Programmierers Chris Roberts für die texanische Spieleschmiede Origin erschien, sollte es zunächst als „Hardwarefresser“ Furore machen.
I couldn't have said it better.

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