Lies, Damn Lies and Magazines Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

As members of the Wing Commander community we strive not to sacrifice our integrity by dedicating ourselves to publishing correct and truthful news. Sadly, some print magazines don't share the same values as the official Nintendo UK magazine demonstrated this month when reviewing Prophecy GBA. Just the fact that they published screenshots from a different game should leave you wondering if they actually played the game before writing that review. Thanks to Raylight we have a scan of the review. In case I haven't yet made my point, anything you read on this scan should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Here Come The Reviews Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Prophecy GBA has started getting mentions in magazines, and while we'll try to get copies of as many as we can, please let us know if you spot one that we haven't covered yet. First up is Edge magazine's preview which does a great job of saying.. well, not a lot really. At least the screenshots are from the right game, even if they are from an older version with an incomplete HUD. Thanks to Raylight for the scan.

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