Vega Strike New Ships Forum Open
Hellcat wanted everyone to know they have a bustling new forum devoted to adding new ships to his Vega Strike engine. VS is one of the older and more established fan projects in the WC editing community. As opposed to being a mod, it was built from scratch. I'll let him take it from here.
You can find the new model forum here.Dear WC News community, Vega Strike has opened a model forum for ships that were converted to the vega strike format. Already it is a big hit, and I am writing because of the 28 Wing Commander ships that various users have already gotten into the Vega Strike format, weapons, stats and all. There is also a half-done Star Trek ship from the trek modeller that is working there.
I hope you people frequent the model board and try out the new models. You need a Vega Strike forum account to post new models. Feel free to add volumetric glow from the glow tutorial to the new models if you like :-) (check the art and modding forum for details)
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