Whee! Party time!

Just got a chance to download the soundclips...

I finally had an oportunity to sit down and listen to the few pieces you offered for download. It's great stuff... save for the orchestral hit. I've never been fond of that sort of thing in excess, heh. Anyway, it was quite enjoyable... will it be in MIDI format in the game? Or are you processing the song through something else to get a different sound? Just curious...
Thank you very much. The orchestra hit is something I borrowed from the other wing commander games (mostly WC1 and WC2).. I wanted it keep it sounding sorta like that, and it was used there a bit, so I figured I'd use it here. I'm glad you liked it.

I agree with you completely about the soundtrack and how much it adds to the game or a movie. If anyone saw the movie Cast Away, I had a lot of trouble watching it. The entire time the guy's on that island, there's no music. It just sounded so empty to me. Thinking about it, the composer was very smart doing that. Without any music, it really gave you the sense that there was nothing there. As someone who constantly listens to the music in the background, it came as a real shock to me when it wasn't there and created that feeling very well.

As to insparation, I have about 5 songs right now where it's just a refrain, or just a melody line, or just some chords. If it ever has to be forced, it's not worth writing. There's one song that I did (that isn't up for download on my site because it was written during the millions of years that I haven't updated) that just all flowed out. Whenever that happens it's always something that I consider above everything else I've done. All of the work on UE has been inspired, and was not forced. I've made sure of that. In fact, there was one time working on this project after about the first 2 months I joined on where I didn't have any new music for at least a month. I just couldn't think of anything. Once it came to me though, something really happened. People can not like my music, people can love it... I consider the stuff that I've done for UE to be in a higher class of the music that I've written, just because it was all inspired.

Since it would be rediculous to hire a real orchestra to play it, yes, in game it will be MIDI, but not exactly. I've spent time working on my MIDI (and buying equipment for it) to make it sound better than the average computer. So, I record my MIDI driver playing the music as an MP3, and that's what's used in game. This way, it's still MIDI, but it sounds at least a bit more real than your average computer playing it.
I feel Real Happy that my song is actualy going to be use,

one of this day I will let ppl lisendt to my weir consepts of Kilrathji music,

most of our music are based on 4/4

64 notes forms a pattern that consist in a divition of 4 sub patterns of 16 notes ( well in takers point of you, I usualy convine midi, trakers and loops, and real insturment)

anyway a normal song haves 4 subpatterns before a drumb changes (rock) in techno music, 4 *boom* (beat) make a subparttern, on my kilrathi theory, they use a 8 numeric number system (don't remeber the post but I read ir here on wcnews forum) we use terrans 10

ok so they use a pattern of 27 notes 3 subpatterns, is hard to get use to it, but you come out wish some interesting music, I try to use a groups if intrument that are no nurmally use by terras, and i beleave they dont use a lot os precution, just simple ones to mark the ridthom of the song mood and speed

but.... why im writng all this stuff, it got nothing to do with UE, well sorry 4 this crap, I allready write all this :p maby you will find it interesting Needaham45
From what I could understand of what you said, yes, it's very interesting. Unfortionately... that wasn't too much :( I'd really like to understand it better though... it sounds very interesting.

Tell me if I'm getting it right:

In 4/4 time, we have 64 notes in 4 bars.

The Kilralthi equivilant we have 27 notes in sets of 3.

So, to get Kilralthi Music, we would have to use 9 sets of triplets in a 4 measures, giving us some really crazy time signature.

I can see where you're coming from with that, but it seems very limiting. Not all music is in 4/4, and there are 32nd notes, 64th notes, even 128th notes. I think you're headed in the right direction, but it could use a bit of revision. I'll give it some thought... now I have a serious headache and I'm gonna be spending time thinking about this... lol :p
Actually, the Kilrathi are not artists at all. So I seriously doubt that they'd have music.
Originally posted by Unregistered
Oh Wedge009 great page of yours.
Merci, danke and thanks... whoever you are. :)

Originally posted by Filler
Actually, the Kilrathi are not artists at all. So I seriously doubt that they'd have music.
Gee, how boring. I would think they maybe have some musical talent... or maybe not.

From Victory Streak Online
Kilrathi history never experienced cultures parallelling those of Earth's ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Renaissance Europe or the Utopian Underground of 2200 - cultures that knew prolonged peace, reflection and artistic development. Because of this, Kilrathi aesthetics remain (by human standards) primitive, more like those of Aboriginal cultures on Earth.
Can't remember reading about the last sentence before. That's a bit insulting to Australia's natives, isn't it? Especially in the context of a 27th century 'global' government.
A culture without music... I'd probably commit suicide. Very boring kitty cats.... I'd have thought they'd at least have developed Opera.


Cat 2: "Purr purr pur puuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrr"


Cat 2: "purrrrrrrrrrr" (claws cat 1)


*sob sob*... o the feeling... the emotion :D
About Kilrathi music...

What with Kilrah being such a tectonically active planet, I'm sure that time for culture and composition of musical masterpieces probably just "fell through the cracks." HAHA!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! EEEEEEEEEEE! HO HO HO HEH! Oh that was a GOOD one! Eh heh... heh... hum. *ahem* Right, so anyway... *glancing around* Never mind.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Can't remember reading about the last sentence before. That's a bit insulting to Australia's natives, isn't it? Especially in the context of a 27th century 'global' government.
The term 'aboriginal' refers to the natives. It also applies to American Indians.
Heh, ironically, in the context of 'Aboriginal cultures on Earth', the term would mean every culture that evolved on Earth, though that's obviously not what they meant ;).

I think that the Kilrathi probably do have music, though. They seem to have developed every other form of art that humans have, even if they work on a different kind of aesthetics.
Originally posted by Needaham45
A culture without music... I'd probably commit suicide. Very boring kitty cats.... I'd have thought they'd at least have developed Opera.


Cat 2: "Purr purr pur puuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrr"


Cat 2: "purrrrrrrrrrr" (claws cat 1)


*sob sob*... o the feeling... the emotion :D

that was realy funny, weel I do think Kilrathi have some kind of music artits, the Kingons have artistis too, that they are warrios like the kilrathis, (i a personal way I think a Kingon will not beat a Kilrathi, just ingnore this last stiff, i don't want to start a devate)

Im starting to work on a Kilrathi song, but it seem I can not get it right, there is something mising.
Back to the dynamics of the music

I can't quite comprehend what's meant by 64 notes in 4 bars. I understand there's 7 octaves with 12 notes in each, with notes from C2-C6 being the most commonly used, but that still adds up to about only 48 and I'm baffled by what's meant. If someone could clear that up maybe I can make some sense behind the proposal that Kilrathi would use 27 notes in 3 bars.
15th Rampage was subdividing each beat into 4 16th notes, giving us 16 notes in a bar, and 64 in 4 bars. By notes he wasn't refering to pitch, but to rythymn. At least that's my understanding.

Again, the problem with this is that it assumes all music is in 4/4 and is based on a 16th note, which isn't always the case.
true, i wan't meaning the octaves (pitch) or keyboard key that form the octave, it was more a technical rythymn stuff, I stat creating music useing .MOD files (traker), same kind of sound files that was use on Unreal Tournament, so I'm use to talk in a Traker Lenguage :p , Needaham45 probable lear the music the correct way to lean it, with partitures, U just lean it in a more tecknical way, but righ know I don not only use traker, I use Midi, real soind and multitracks programs sush as Sonic Foundrys Acid, but that not the case

I was just Speacking ort tecknical, Needaham45 got my Ideas real fas cuase he knew what I was trying to talk about, maybe this will help yuo out

In a techo soing you hear a bump, (base drum) -bump-bump--bump-bump, everi bump is a BEAT, 4 beats ina a traker programs usuale means a subpattern where you can place 16 notes, ans 4 sun patters make a patterm (damn i'm getting technical againg).

maybe i can heta a ingame to make it ez

1 c-2
2 c-4
3 b-4
4 BUMP\ f-6
12 BUMP\
16 BUMP\

..... ans so on
Originally posted by Needaham45
If it's as short as the other ones I actually may be able to get it done before debugging is completed... so don't count on my being the last to finish :p

Well I guarantee I'll be the last to finish <g>
After all each and every thing someone does should undergo a final testing.
Which includes the final installation file...
Oh, Oh, Oh, Choose me!! :D

I'll volunteer for testing the last file. I'm running a PII233 with 128Mb SDRAM and a GeForce2 MX grpahics card. Spot a spare parts PC when u see one? ;)
That still doesn't help me to equate a civilization that uses 81 notes in one measure with the same one that counts in base 8, hehe... still trying to sort that one out.
Originally posted by jammyo2k
Oh, Oh, Oh, Choose me!! :D

I'll volunteer for testing the last file. I'm running a PII233 with 128Mb SDRAM and a GeForce2 MX grpahics card. Spot a spare parts PC when u see one? ;)

I was referring to the testing of the final installation file. Sorry it wasn't over so clear but it was late when I posted.