WC Uprez Unity3d Doodle! (Heavy GIF Use, Mobile Users Beware!)

Have you considered reaching out to EA about acquiring the license? I mean it's a total longshot but as others have said we'd kickstart it in a hearbeat.

There’s no company better placed in this market and let’s face it even a rejection would be interesting news.
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Pedro: Honestly no. I'm not really sure why I would? ..Oh, wait, you mean *Double Damage!* Good question? I think we're very focused on the release, success, and support of our current game - I don't think it's really fair to distract Travis with this WC stuff while he's trying to finish that. He's a massively smart programmer - and there's a ton of problems I've had to figure out for myself on this WCremake thing simply because I'm unwilling to distract him. I asked one thing once and felt like it was a mistake. Not because he wasnt happy to help - but because hes in the middle of finishing a project, and I'm over dangling this cool new thing that he cant work on in front of him. It's sorta rude.
I guess we could go for the license - but we're a small company, and the idea that what the next WC game should be (given that series history of AAA releases and big-budget development) might not be a great fit. I'm sure we could deliver a great game - but the trappings might not be as high quality as EA would want or expect.
:/ I dunno. I'mma keep doodling. Maybe try and get my act together for the CICs birthday. and release something then.
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I am just playing WC2 again and when I look at SC flightmodel/combat I kinda like WC2 more. Mostly because its not so overly complicated and just the thing for one or two missions in the evening while SC/SQ42 seams more like something you have to work for and have to take more time to get into and become good at.

My point, a WC game in the style and quality of WC2 with a simple flight model and a good story, even if presented like WC2 cutscenes, might be the thing people are looking for.
The oldschoolers for the nostalgia and newer players maybe to have an easier access to the genre. Overall in comes down to gameplay and story I think.
If you could deliver that, I think you might have something that might sell well, not as good as SC or a AAA title but well enough.
Question is could you convince EA that it would keep the brand alive and ready for a future big budget project. Hell if necessary bundle it with a short story/comic and some toys ^_^

As for involving Double Damage...let them finish one project first. When you have a good running prototype ready, maybe even generate a big of a following with it, it might be easier to convice them to put further work into it.
I was thinking more of a Monkey Island style remaster. I mean what you're doing here isn't a continuation of where the series left off but polishing up where it began. Most of my other favourites have had that treatment, and as it isn't new as such it isn't important what the brand would (or wouldn't) do long term.

I wouldn’t worry about interrupting your programmer too much normally. It’s a job best done with reflection and the odd distraction. But the end of a project is another matter entirely.
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First look at the Wing Leader Salthi - Different from her canon version- she's only got one engine, and has two photon cannons rather than lasers. I'm trying to make the various Kilrathi ships feel different, rather than the Salthi, Dralhti, Krant all feeling like fighting the same ship. I'm also looking at ways to only make them turn left. :D
New art for the photon cannon coming soon - Expecting them to be like more rapid-fire lasers with much less individual hitting power, and slightly less power drain. That means the Salthi will likely be firing in short bursts.

Just stopped by (after an eight year posting absence) to say:

This is awesome.

In the future I might be able to lend a hand with programming if you're looking any for help. For the foreseeable future I'm frantically getting a KS together though. It looks like you're doing just fine on your own in any event!
The hornet in this case is going more off Arne's concept art than the blueprints - And honestly - I like the idea and look of a single -engine hornet. Nifty!

You know what this art style REALLY makes me want is a small portable Advance Wars-style clone with WC ships. It wouldn't be too hard to invent a mechanic whereby the various WC fighters and cap ships have weapons that emulate the rock-paper-scissors of the Advance Wars units, and you've got multiple factions ready to go. The different familiar pilots and crew could be the Commanders. That would be amazing too.
Hmmm. I wonder if you can figure out some way to spice up the reticle. Contrasted with all the awesome improvements the classic reticle looks a bit flat and painted on in comparison.
You know what this art style REALLY makes me want is a small portable Advance Wars-style clone with WC ships. It wouldn't be too hard to invent a mechanic whereby the various WC fighters and cap ships have weapons that emulate the rock-paper-scissors of the Advance Wars units, and you've got multiple factions ready to go. The different familiar pilots and crew could be the Commanders. That would be amazing too.
Yes, it wouldn't be too hard indeed, I can confirm that the units do manage to fit really well in such a mindset. :-P

And, yes, I'd definitely want to see an AW clone with WC units, glad I'm not the only one who pictured a Dragon/Lance when playing the Stealth Fighter in AC on my DS.
I'm really close to pushing out an update to the Rolling demo. I just want to polish it a litttle bit more.

So hurleybird asked about the reticle. I did something similar for my Dralthi IV WC1 cockpit... I might be able to do something similar for Wing Leader.

Hope to have an update soon![/img]