Just incredible work.

Awesome to see you continuing on this, and to see it opened up too!
Inspiring stuff - I've experimented with bringing your art into Confederation, with a view to someday/eventually (with your permission!) releasing a mod for it. There's a bunch of script I still have to write to get things fully functional, but man, it looks so good.
Oh, of course! I wouldn't release it wide without expecting people to *use* it.

I'm also excited about all the explosion flipbooks I've made - I've got like 20 really solid options, and the game randomly picks one per ship death.
In other news, the Strakha is in the game, I'm hooking up the logic for how the AI handles cloaking (when, why, breaking the locks any other ships have on them, making the radar pips invisible, etc) It's pretty funny, right now the Strakha is very much a glass cannon - great for brief ambushes, but miserable in a stand up fight - already that feels *right*. I gotta figure out how to integrate them into the story mode to make sure that there's no record of their existence to support Blair's report.
I also did some soul searching on how I want to handle the differences in the cockpits between the Confederation and Kilrathi - I think the 'Cats won't have Eject lights or Fuel indicators, and will use a Dual-Stick Tank-drive-esque control layout (justified by SWC and Secret missions where the Confed techs had to wire up a fuel gauge.)
On that note, I think I have the flyable roster for the ships - IE The ones I need to build cockpits for.
Confed (Storymode/Multiplayer):
Hornet (first couple of missions, cut down, "jump capable" version, DF missiles only, MP is stock)
Valtar (Firrekan prototype fighter)
Kilrathi (Multiplayer)
Then I'm also planning a bunch of non-playable fighter ships for the story mode, like the Scimitar, Gratha, Hriss, etc.
Anyhow, that's the update!