Hello everybody,
sorry that I drop in that late, but let me express my feelings about the points that have been discussed here within the last few days.
First, and certainly most important, we haven’t left this community. I mean, why should we ? We are building a WC-Mod and therefore the opinion of the peoples gathering at this place are important for our work and for our success (or even failure). That we have been so quiet lately was bad, but more about this below. The truth is, this entire thread (and a few others before) and the hostility raised at some points have irritated us a lot and gave us the feelings that we aren't welcome here any longer, which is why we kept silence in order not to make it even worse (unfortunately not always with success on both sides). Heck, I wasn't posting here much myself because I thought it would be better not to show my face here again, but I really want to find a solution here and so I am writing this post. It's also obvious, that some of these issues are of personal nature, which makes it very hard to participate in them (which I actually don’t want to).
As for this thread here, started with the little rough first post of an obviously dissapointed fan, I have to say that regarding the PR-Stuff we got a massive kick in the ass, and I’m also saying that we have deserved that. We also discussed this within the team, and we are currently preparing a few things to show off, and most important work on a new and hopefully better PR-Campaign, which will then bring you (even if sometimes small) regular informations regarding this mod. I haven’t all the posts here in my mind, but just regarding the last ones, Chris and Quarto are absolutly right, a mod (or even a game) can’t live without a PR, or it will loose the connection to the people the work is actually done for.
I must also say, that we are sorry for some of the posts from the past, that often got the content “we are close” or “nearly finished”. Unfortunately these post grow out of the enthusiasm of some team members, which aren’t deep enough within in the work to see the puzzle part as a whole thing, or in Tolwyn’s and my case misjudged by some unexpected events that delay everything, I also asked my team-members to be a little more careful what to post regarding the content or the status, to avoid anymore misunderstandings.
But I also think, that we should try to continue (or even restart) on a professionell way, and that’s certainly possible in my opinion. Also it is just natural, that not everybody can like what we do, taste may be different, and we can’t press anyone to like it or even play it. To a certain point I can even understand peoples emotions about FS2 (though I liked it for being the space-shooter with impressive capitalship battles it was designed for).
But I want everyone to think about what we are doing. We are building a WC-Game, that takes advantage of the technical specification of a 3D-Space engine. We are not trying to bring the FS-Gameplay into the WC-Universe. In fact, I think that we have made a good attempt of bringing the WC-Feeling to the FS-Engine (of course this is only a subjective meaning, since I know the content of the mod and you can’t neither deny or approve it yet unfortunately). Also the FS-Engine has been the central point of other Scifi-games like the B5-Mod and the BSG Mod, both are really impressive IMO, so it can’t be that bad. Of course, I understand it’s difficult to correct you peoples opinion in this matter, since we can’t deliver anything yet to prove it, which is part of the problem. But I think it is really important to distinguish between FS2 the game, and FS2 the engine.
Therefore, I want to take the advantage to give you people a more detailed information of whats going on. Within the last year (where we remained rather silent, sorry again for that) we were mostly focussing in transfering the FS-Engine into a WC-Game, it wasn’t easy (and the AI make me nearly cry sometimes), but I can say I’m really pleased with the final product. Biggest effort in this was certainly the new interface, which consists of several hundreds of single files. While I build up the campaign-missions Towlyn and the other guys are working on technical stuff like movies, music, Installer-system, voice-lines and so on. We already had several beta-tests, which lead to the elimination of the most bugs. This brings me to the “ we are nearly finished” stuff. We may be 98% done, and the game (the prologue) is already complete playable, but unfortunately the last 2 % are the problem that hold off the release. We are not happy about that, but we can’t change it either at this time. And of course, there was also a little lack of movation for certain reasons noticable too, I’m afraid.
These 2% contain the finalization-process of the movies, some very nasty bugs and of course the missing code-pieces, mostly the mentioned fiction-viewer. I’m already at the opinion, that if we don’t get it within the time the rest is finished, then we might need to look for a substitue and release the fiction otherwise (online ? I don’t know yet. It worked for WCPSO though. But we really want to wait for the ingame viewer as long as possible).
Also, since this issue has been brought up a few times, I prepared a small picture-row, that should demonstrate the missionflow of one of our mission, to give you people a little more insight of what you can expect from the gameplay-feeling. I believe that many people still think towards the FS2-Playing (Dropping into mission-area, shoot at everything, warp out), but this isn’t the case in our game. I will post the mentioned thing by the middle of the week. I really think it will give you people a good imagination of what to expect.
Well, I’m finished, and the post got (once again) longer than I actually wanted (sorry for that too
), but I do hope that I was able to adress the critical points that have been cooking up here. Also I would like everyone to consider, that we are all fans of the same thing, namely the WC-Universe, so there should be no need to fight against each other.
Also thanks for the sympathy that has been expressed in here (and the PM’s we received) and that showed us, that people do care about this project, even though we let you down the last 12 months. On the contrary, we promise not to leave you people in the dark from now on. And just to make that clear too, constructive critic is always welcome, and will be taken into consideration if possible by any means.
Thanks + Best regards
(edit) P.S. I wasn't aware that the forum links are dead. HLP maybe, since they moved, but CIC ? I'll check on that matter