Unregistered said:
As food for thought - modding teams shouldn't have to spend their time worrying about PR. They should spend it worrying about getting their mod done as they wanted it to. Remember that that's the main goal of a modding team - to produce a mod - not to be nice to people or win brownie points for good PR.
And with that in mind - it'd be an awful lot easier for any modding team to reach that end goal if they weren't sidetracked by people - especially people with a tendancy towards being annoying.
You're absolutely wrong. Whether you like it or not, a mod team doesn't just appear out of the blue, nor does it exist separate from the rest of the community. PR is hugely important to modding teams - more so, in fact, than to ordinary paid developers (and I speak from experience on both counts, as a member of the Standoff team and as a paid games developer). When you're making a mod, you start off with nothing - no team, no resources, just your own skills, energy and an idea. To make the mod, you have to build up a team, and then you have to keep it together long enough to make it to release. And you have to do this without the most basic motivating tool that professional game developers use - money.
At every stage of the way, it's PR that helps determine the success of a mod. It's not the only factor (the tenacity and determination of the team leader are also hugely important, obviously), but it certainly is
the most important factor for any project involving more than one person. PR is what you use to attract new members. PR is then what you use to get the community excited about the project - and community excitement is what motivates your members. Without PR, your members won't have any reason to keep working on the mod - no matter how much you love something, it's
incredibly difficult to find the energy to keep working on it when you think nobody actually cares.
Additionally, you're wrong for another reason - the "annoying people" are who you're working for. A mod is, partially, something you do just for fun - I sure wouldn't be working on Standoff if I didn't love Wing Commander. But there's more to it than that. Apart from being fun, a mod is something you do specifically for the community. Without the community, your mod is has no purpose. This doesn't mean, of course, that the community should decide what happens in a mod (the community doesn't even
know what it wants)... but it certainly does mean that you have to care about what those "annoying people" have to say.
In short, while a modding team's goal is to make a mod, PR is a vital tool without which making a mod is near impossible.
This, by the way, is arguably Saga's biggest problem right now. It's not the about the delays, it's not about whatever issue that's holding them up... it's about the fact that they've lost their purpose. They're making a Wing Commander mod that the Wing Commander fan community doesn't
seem to care about, and in fact is pretty darn hostile towards. If you're working on a mod in that situation, what could possibly motivate you to put the mod ahead of your personal life? If you think nobody's interested in your work, are you gonna spend the evening working on the mod for your own enjoyment... or will you go out with friends to see a movie? In most cases, the movie wins - it's just as enjoyable, and
far easier.
Mind you, that's just my opinion - not knowing exactly what's going on with Saga, I obviously can only guess what their biggest problem is. All I know is that "personal life" is a very frequent explanation for their lack of progress... and that when UE was approaching release and everybody was talking about it, I completely gave up on having anything even remotely resembling a personal life just to get it done. I've always gotten the impression that Tolwyn and Lars are just as dedicated as I am, if not more so... which leads me to believe that Saga's problem is indeed motivational.
Anyway, this is where PR comes in - again. At this point (according to the
other thread), the Saga staff have given up on this community. This is the exact opposite of what they should be doing. Right now, they should be doing everything they possibly can to persuade the community that Saga is worth caring about... or more specifically, to persuade the community to show that they
do care about Saga (because they really do - no matter what happens, most people here are eagerly waiting to play Saga. And what's more, we all
want to love it - we want to have another great mod to play, and we even want to be able to joke about how it took a bunch of WC fans to do something good with the FS2 engine). This wouldn't be at all difficult to do, and it would speed up the development to an incredible degree.
Saga team - Tolwyn, Lars, if you guys are reading this, please take my advice. I beg you, because I
really want to see Saga finished (
and because I want to see Saga giving us hard, stiff competition again - we
need your competition to drive ourselves to do Standoff as well as we possibly can!), and I find it very frustrating to see its completion move away further and further because of such conflicts. I'm saying this without actually claiming that you (or the anybody from the community) are specifically the ones to be blamed for this entire thing. I have my opinions on that, too, of course - but that's all entirely irrelevant. It doesn't make any difference who's to blame, because in either way it's up to you guys to fix things. Don't ignore this forum. Post in it now, more than ever before. Inform us about progress. Inform us about website updates. If you post something in another forum, post it here, too - it's not like it's a huge effort to cut & paste a message from one forum into another. Keep doing this, no matter what happens - and soon enough, you'll find that people really do care about your project.