The CIC OT Zone's Official You're All Huge Idiots Religion Thread

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How true!

look what I have wrought I am just an evil homosexual perverting people into believing satan's lies :) :) :)


by the way by definition christians are closeminded when it comes to anything outside what they believe

it used to be that rock and roll was the devil :( life is so complicated
Erkle said:
Now I wonder why the creator of the entire universe might be considered a egomaniac? Note Sarcasm.
But on a serious note that same God wishes every man, woman, and child to be saved. The only thing I can say is that you seem to have a closed mind. I will be praying that God will help remedy this.

Anyone human who would reward those who follow them and punish those who do not is an ego maniac, surely we should then be able to ATLEAST judge God by the standards we would judge ourselves. My opinions change rapidly as new information is presented to me, however I haven't heard any new evidence in the religion department in years, my mind won't reopen on that matter until there is something NEW to digest. Theres no point reconsidering the same thing over and over when nothing has changed, you move onto the next thing.
it disagrees with you and hence you call it closed minded
Um... that appears to be what you are doing. You call me closed-minded because I am religious. I call you closed-minded for not knowing me well enough to make that assertion. You have also made many, many other closed-minded comments here, would you like me to quote them all for you?
Ofcourse, you're so right, because ofcourse a complex lifeform can just come into being
I'll stop you right there, as it is a time-based argument. My statement was that God exists transcendent of time, thus God has no beginning point or end point in time. Because we live in a time-based dimension, we have a definite beginning point (conception) to our lives. Take the time factor away, and things do not begin or end. They just are
when he no longer has any of the four dimensions in which to exist, that suddenly makes the near impossiblity of the most complex being imaginable just appearing, thankyou!
Again, you misunderstand the complexity of a non-time based being. Additionally, your argument is slightly incoherent.
by the way by definition christians are closeminded when it comes to anything outside what they believe
I love baseless generalizations. Please, make some more closed-minded comments about other people being closed-minded... I haven't seen enough of them yet today.
Ok I'm closed minded because I think you are?
I think people who BLINDLY follow religion because that is the definition of blindly following something.

And no I don't misunderstand the complexity of a non time based being, firstly in order to interact with us he must have a comprehension of time and a 2D being would have no knowledge of the third dimension so it seems highly unlikely if God was born out of time would have an understanding of time. And it just doesn't change a thing, you're still saying that this being miraculously always existed instead of miraculously appeared, why does he exist to begin with?
Dark Ficus said:
I love baseless generalizations. Please, make some more closed-minded comments about other people being closed-minded... I haven't seen enough of them yet today.


Hrm I don't exactly remember christians trying to understand ho we as homosexuals feel they only want to point out that it's wrong not why people are gay I haven't heard one argument from a religous poster here yet that makes me think anyone understands what it's like to have homosexual feelings because to do so is out of your belief and therefore taboo I say close minded because you as a people don't understand my feelings as a homosexual most of you say it's the sex but it's also relationships real loving caring relationships not just sex as is mostly thought of when gay is mentioned

Pedro, this is a faith thing. Faith is not to be discussed. I am a believer and I respect those who have other ways, including not believing in anything. You should respect those who have faith too.

That does not mean I am all for following blindly anything or anyone, though.
vindicator said:
...Mostly, I don't want a gay bishop, specificly because that just draws out more religous gay hate psychos.

...Everybody is worried how it will affect the church, how about how it affects me or my gay friends or my boyfreind? what if this causes gay hate crimes to happen.
...As hard a life as I've lived you think I choose to be gay with all the negitive things that brings no thanks people. I think people that claim it's choice ought to see how "easy" life it is before they make judgements of what people choose

...but you'll say Rance it's wrong, well maybe but if it's so wrong why didn't god give me feelings for women most of the people that claim they've changed get married and usually have sex like once every six months doesn't seem to me they enjoy their new life very much.

But Rance who cares if you like it, it's god's commandment
I don't think god put us here on this earth to praise and worship him and live terrible sad lives unhappy.

I believe he wants us to worship him while being happy and reaching out to others. I am gay, I have never felt the "guilt of sin as I have for every other sin I have ever commited there is always guilt that goes with it, why not for this?
-- You're using an oxymoron, there, guy, at least in the case of Christians: It is not possible for a true Christian to be a gay hate psycho. Those that call themselves Christians and spout such rhetoric and/or actions are merely exposing the depth of their own hypocrisy. It is a blot on the name of Christ that anyone would be that way and have the balls to call themselves "Christian". They're nothing more than thugs who THINK they've found religion (1 John 3:10 & 14, 1 John 4:8 & 20)
-- Gay hate crimes - like all other crimes - will always "happen". I sympathize with your fear, but as I pointed out above, you've nothing to be terrified about from us Christians. Unfortunately, though, there will always be thugs who stupidly find "justification" for their actions, even if they are so brazen and idiotic as to claim the Christian faith as their reason to do so. Like I said, by doing so, they merely point out what hypocrites they are. Will we (Christians) fight against things like gay bishops and legalizing gay marriage? Sure, but (at the risk of popping your bubble) that ain't a hate crime, sorry to tell you...
-- No one can credibly argue that being gay is an easy life, but that really ain't the point...Neither is it a refutation of the notion of choice. Alcoholics, people with other addictons, those dedicated to living a life of crime, them what go through life lying to people or using others for their own gain, etc.: Most of these folks end up finding, when all is said and done, that the life they lived was not an "easy" one. Nonetheless, in the final analysis, all of them CHOSE to do what they did. That there were contributing factors to their taking this path is no doubt, and sometimes heart-wrenchingly so. Nonetheless, in the end they were all responsible for the choices they made that resulted in that life.
-- What's this - you're admitting that it "may" be wrong?... Interesting. Anyway, frequency of sex got nothing to do with nothing, and I'd like to know where you got that information... What may seem to be the case to you is far from as obvious as you think it is. Frequency of sex varies greatly from couple to couple. Before the stuff hit the fan & my wife walked out, our 8.5 yrs of marriage saw a frequency ranging from 3x/day to 1x/1-2 mos. It really varied widely with how the realtionship was doing and a host of other factors, such as my wife's medical conditions. Doesn't mean we weren't each happy in the marriage (heck, there's times when having sex helped to heal the marital strife of the moment), or in our own individual sexuality/orientation.
-- You're missing the point. If you truly know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, you will worship Him "In spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24). Once you get to that point, obeying His commands will be a joy to your soul, and He will give you the ability to obey Him. That's not to say life's a bowl of cherries and it'll always be easy, but He gives you the strength and resources to do so. Believe me, if this were not the case, I know for a fact that I would be either in prison, on Skid row, in an insane asylum, or else 6 feet under by now.
-- Um, no; you got it all bass-ackwards. For one, you don't need to be happy TO worship Him, rather, worshipping Him (for the true believer, anyway) GIVES you joy, and enable you to reach out to others more effectively/powerfully. Secondly, you specifically said earlier that hearing the putdowns of others for your gayness caused you to feel like you were less worthy than other people; like you deserved to die, etc.. Sounds pretty much like guilt to me (not that you ARE less worthy, etc., mind you, but that you felt bad about *being* gay; that you were "guilty" of gay-ness). If that ain't guilt, then please explain...

Dammerung said:
...I should first note, that you, a lousy mortal, in my opinion has no idea whether or not a "god" (Or "Goddess", as Christianity is very male-centered, I'm an Agnostic incase you couldn't tell), and By Predjudice I didn't mean having a distaste for disorder.
...I meant hating a certain ethnicity or minority(Gays, for example).
...A Being THAT ADVANCED would most likely not stoop down low to hate, or even dislike. On the Issue of Worshipping other gods...that they'd acknowledge that you are in fact as stupid mortal who doesn't know better
...From what I've read about Christianity, it's based around malevolence(Pardon the Spelling), violence, adultry, and mass-murder than "God's Love". And I should note...that the God that is worshipped in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism(Again, pardon the spelling) is the same deity
-- Perhaps you could translate your first passage above, as you seemed to combine one sentence with another different one, and I can't make out what you meant. Likewise the second half of the 3rd one I quoted above...
-- Nope. For one, as I said elsewhere, neither I nor any other true Christian "hates" gays, blacks, or whoever. God does not, therefore we are not to do so either. However, He does hate SIN, and that's what we are to hate, as His followers - but not at the expense of hating the sinNER.
-- Are you a parent?... I am/have been. As a father I can tell you that, because I love my kids, there are certain things I hate; things that I hope my kids never ever get mixed up in: Pedophilia, drugs, gambling, prostitution, murder, etc. The parent is clearly a more advanced being (at least for the duration of childhood) than their kids. Because I know better, I hate these things for the sake of the welfare and well-being of my kids. It's the same with God. Unless of course you're saying that you imagine God (assuming for the moment that He exists) doesn't *also* hate the things I mentioned, and/or similar bad things (in which case, you are truly whacked...). Anyhoo, notice that I didn't say I hated prostitutes, junkies, gamblers, etc... They are humans like me, and sinners like me, deserving as much love & compassion as I can bring to the table. As such, your argument here (the half of it that I understand, anyway) is null & void.
-- Clearly you need to do some more reading, then, and by that I mean on your OWN, and less listening to Christian/religious bashers who spoonfeed you seriously flawed rhetoric. ...Speaking of which, the God worshipped by those 3 religions is most definitely NOT the same God, mainly in the case of Islam. Unfortunately for you, I'm not gonna get into that issue here, because it's been ehxaustively posted on in at least one recent thread here on the CZ that I can recall. I can't recall which thread it was, so if you wanna find out more, you'll have to do a CZ search. ...Or else, you could simply read through the Koran, then read the Bible (esp. the NT), and let us know what you find. I've read the Bible several times thru, and most of the Koran once, and I can tell you, they ain't the same.
I think people who BLINDLY follow religion because that is the definition of blindly following something.
Then state such. Do not make baseless generalizations, stating "all Christians" or "all religious people" or "you're all only following because you fear Hell's brimstone". I could give a sh¡t whether you disagree with me personally or not, however, you should not make generalizations as you have here.
2D being would have no knowledge of the third dimension so it seems highly unlikely if God was born out of time would have an understanding of time.
There is a difference between a being not understanding dimensions greater than its own and a being not understanding dimensions less than its own. By your argument, we should not be able to have any knowledge of the second dimension either.

You are also again stating that God was born, which would not be the case, as being born is another time-dependent event.
you're still saying that this being miraculously always existed instead of miraculously appeared
One is miraculous and the other is not. Either way, neither is any more miraculous than the universe either always existing or having sprung from nothing at a specific point in time.
why does he exist to begin with?
Why do you exist to begin with? Why does anything exist to begin with?
I say close minded because you as a people don't understand my feelings as a homosexual
If this is the case, then all heterosexual people would be closed minded, due to the fact that we do not understand your feelings as a homosexual.

I am closed-minded on the issue of homosexuality, however, I am not closed-minded on every issue under the sun. If you wish to state that I am closed-minded regarding homosexuality, I shall not debate you on that. Most people are closed-minded on the subject of the sun being the relatve center to the solar system.
But fundementaly you believe that your faith is right over all the others! Therefore to say you have no problems with others bleifs is a 'lie' because the faith you follow does and you claim to be apart of it so you are subject to your faith's judgement

PopsiclePete said:
Pedro, this is a faith thing. Faith is not to be discussed. I am a believer and I respect those who have other ways, including not believing in anything. You should respect those who have faith too.

That does not mean I am all for following blindly anything or anyone, though.

I respect peoples right to believe anything, be it religion or be it that the earth rests on the back of a turtle, people believe these things, now the famous woman who made the turtle claim wasn't hurting anyone, infact she probably gave a few people a good laugh. Peope who blindly follow ideas like gays are evil DO hurt other people and hence I am under no obligation to respect that belief, infact as a human being I feel obligated to try and prevent the continuation of this nonsense.
I don't see any reason why religion shouldn't be discussed, I realise its a sensitive subject to some people but there are some VERY important issues associated with it which NEED, I repeat NEED resolving, as a species we can not simply turn a blind eye to issues such as this which are founded in religous beliefs.
But fundementaly you believe that your faith is right over all the others!
I spent an extensive amount of time and effort investigating the world's religions before I became a Christian. At that time, I was an agnostic, and what led me to believe in Christianity was the fact that every other religion either worshipped an illogical God or were self-contradictory.

I was an athiest for a good many years. At one point, I realized that I had no more of a reason to not believe in a Creator than someone else has to believe in a Creator. I investigated this matter with an open mind, and I discovered the Truth.

Fundamentally, I have a good reason for believing that my faith is right over all the others, because I have investigated others and found them lacking.
You know my thought Preacher,

This should excite you if this is really the sign of the end times then the rapture will occur soon and You can be with Jesus :) :)

Dark Ficus said:
I spent an extensive amount of time and effort investigating the world's religions before I became a Christian. At that time, I was an agnostic, and what led me to believe in Christianity was the fact that every other religion either worshipped an illogical God or were self-contradictory.

I was an athiest for a good many years. At one point, I realized that I had no more of a reason to not believe in a Creator than someone else has to believe in a Creator. I investigated this matter with an open mind, and I discovered the Truth.

Fundamentally, I have a good reason for believing that my faith is right over all the others, because I have investigated others and found them lacking.

Lacking what, the fact that christianty itself requires you do little more than obey some basic rules and believe in jesus and that if you believe in the forementioned you can be forgiven without really being accountable for your actions where as most other religions require much more self accountability and you say yours is right because you researched others? Meh, it's just personal preference.

Dark Ficus said:
Then state such. Do not make baseless generalizations, stating "all Christians" or "all religious people" or "you're all only following because you fear Hell's brimstone". I could give a sh¡t whether you disagree with me personally or not, however, you should not make generalizations as you have here.
If I ever said all christians (which I'd be surprised if I did, I know some very reasonable ones) I'd be wrong, but I will say all christians who believe everything they are told without questioning its validity. "This is the brain case I tell them, make good use of it"

Dark Ficus said:
There is a difference between a being not understanding dimensions greater than its own and a being not understanding dimensions less than its own. By your argument, we should not be able to have any knowledge of the second dimension either..
No, you said OUTSIDE of time, hence he is not a member of more dimensions he would be a member of either fewer dimensions or alternative dimensions, now on my astrophysics course and reading around the subject extensivley there is no way a being not of a specific dimension could alter it, observe its effects on their own dimension yes, but not alter it.
We are able to percieve the 2nd dimension because it is one one of the dimensions we were born into with an ability to travel through, operative word here BORN, beginning, and ultimatley an end, we have 3 dimensions, length, width and height, hence all 4 are relevant to us.

Dark Ficus said:
You are also again stating that God was born, which would not be the case, as being born is another time-dependent event.

One is miraculous and the other is not. Either way, neither is any more miraculous than the universe either always existing or having sprung from nothing at a specific point in time..

No I'm saying he just is... nothing just is, now my memory is shakey but IIRC the universe started off as nothing more than hydrogen, suns were formed producing more complex materials, they died, went nova, sent out the more complex materials so no matter how complex things are now they had a simple beginning, anything could have produced those atoms, they're as simple as they come, producing a sentient being MUUUUCH bigger mystery. Granted we don't know what could bring matter into being, however theres supposedly an equal balance of anti matter so if the universe adds upto zero it looks less and less unbelievable but the all powerfull being still has nothing more to make him seem more plausable.

Dark Ficus said:
If this is the case, then all heterosexual people would be closed minded, due to the fact that we do not understand your feelings as a homosexual..
Most people have something called empathy where we can attempt to put ourselves into someone elses shoes. Ofcourse if someone has already closed their mind to other peoples feelings they can not possibly understand them.

Dark Ficus said:
I am closed-minded on the issue of homosexuality, however, I am not closed-minded on every issue under the sun. If you wish to state that I am closed-minded regarding homosexuality, I shall not debate you on that. Most people are closed-minded on the subject of the sun being the relatve center to the solar system.

You can't be closed minded on a subject when you've looked at the available evidence and reached a logical conclusion, thats called common sense, from the movement of the planets relative to eachother to physics behind gravity there is an overwhelming amount of evidence saying suns in the middle, earths round, mmmm k? No one can argue with that because there is so much evidence, thats not closed minded. If I see you change your mind about something, even accept that 2 possible answers could be correct I won't call you completley closed minded.

A friend of mine from high school was gay, I couldn't see how this was a big deal, he was hugely worried took him till the end of the year to come out in the open with everyone, last I spoke to him hes been activley campaigning for gay rights ever since he got to uni, he has nothing else to talk about because like so many others he has to spend his time fighting this kind of unfounded biggotry.
Peope who blindly follow ideas like gays are evil
Homosexuals are no more evil than you are.

No, I'm not calling you evil, either.

"If ye are not for me, then ye are against me." Christ stated this. There is no difference, in God's eyes, whether someone is a homosexual non-Christian or a heterosexual non-Christian. The issue is being a non-Christian.

I will admit, Christians generally tend to put too much emphasis on the latter part of our pet phrase "Love the sinner, hate the sin." I do not believe that we should go walking around, telling people they're sinners because they do such-and-such or don't do such-and-such. Loving the sinner goes beyond this.

The issue being discussed here was whether or not it is appropriate for there to be a homosexual bishop. Because this is a church-internal matter, I do not understand why you folks think that we should not use the church's standard to gage whether or not this man should be in a leadership position in the church.
Then the answer is a simple yes.

No just god would send someone to hell for following who they are when it could do no harm, nor for not being on the side of something they don't believe exisits. I'm on the side of humans everywhere, I know they all exist, for all I know (and seemingly increasingly likely) god is the devil so being on his side would be a grave mistake.

Obviously someone has made a horrible mistake which needs to be corrected, the appointment of this bishop is definatley a good start in correcting this mistake.
I believe the answer is yes gay bishops................................................................shouldn't be allowed just like molestors criminals shouldn't so there's your answer from the CZ's resident homosexual the only opinion that matters :) :) :) :) :)

Your grasp of the Big Bang Theory is terribly flawed. Read a book or two on the subject and perhaps we can discuss this further.

No, you said OUTSIDE of time
No, I never said that. I said "transcendent of time" or "independent of time."

Additionally, the sun itself is not the center of the solar system -- the sun wobbles (orbits a point within itself) due to the gravitational effects of the planets.

No just god would send someone to hell for following who they are
Precisely. Following WHO THEY ARE rather than following HIM. This is the main pillar of Christianity -- serving God rather than serving self.
you say yours is right because you researched others?
You missed part of that. I researched others before I was a Christian, before I was religious, heck, before I even fully believed that there was a God.
Lacking what(?)
This also was explained in the post in question.
christianty itself requires you do little more than obey some basic rules and believe in jesus and that if you believe in the forementioned you can be forgiven without really being accountable for your actions
There's a lot more to it than that, as any Christian can tell you.
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