And there haven't been preists and Bishops who haven't sinned? That would make them God - we all sin.
Indeed we do, however, there is a vast difference between living a lifestyle of habitual sin, and falling short here and there. Nobody's perfect, however, some actually strive for perfection while others attempt to justify their sinful lifestyle as they continue them.
I do not think a homosexual should be ordained, just as I do not think a thief, a liar, a drunkard, a pedophile, a porn addict... any habitual sinner should be ordained.
That doesn't mean a mutation can't pop up. (...) Anyway, the point is, a mutation could still cause the gene to occur.
So you're comparing homosexuality to a disease arising from a genetic mutation? Interesting...
Mutations occur all the time - they're not uncommon.
As any geneticist can tell you, the vast majority of genetic mutations are
not passed from one generation to the next.
Additionally, as you stated, most genetic mutations are recessive genes, and are made up for by one of the parents' dominant, regular genes. Generally, these harsh genetic diseases occur only in people who receive the faulty gene from both parents (who would both be carrying one normal and one faulty gene, so they themselves are not harmed).
Genetic disorders are limited to existing within a species. A cat cannot be a hemophiliac, for example.
How likely is it that mankind and animal alike (from your homosexual animal data) both have the same genetic mutation which
is capable of being transferred from one generation to the next, which would cause homosexuality? Statistically impossible.
The evidence seems to suggest it is genetic or in some way predetermined.
Your argument for genetic predisposition does not hold water.
You also have that issue of that study I mentioned before on animal species to deal with (...) Homosexuality and bisxuality occur regularly in animals. The evidence seems to suggest it is genetic or in some way predetermined
As I stated in a previous post, many animals also kill and devour one another. Does this mean that this is a practice that we humans should engage in? (I'm also curious as to the source of your statistics here)
(For those keeping score at home, I'm *not* an atheist... but I'm also no Preacher.)
My apologies for making the accusation, however, I've heard your statement spoken almost word-for-word before by one too many atheists. Heck, I think I even said such when I did not believe in a Creator.
The genetic basis for hair/eye/skin coloration was well confirmed long before anyone realized we could play around with genes on a microscopic level -- they're all very easy things to study on simply a phenotypic/hereditary level.
I didn't state that the genetic basis for hair/eye/skin coloration was not confirmed. I did state that the
specific genes having to do with these things had not yet been identified.
Genes that code for all of these things *have* been partially-to-completely identified. All three cases are polygenic traits, and the major affectors have all been identified. (Eye color, for instance, is determined by two separate genes on chromosome 15 and a third on chromosome 19...).
Circa 1998 I do not believe that these things had been determined. I should have been more time-specific with my statement.
As hard a life as I've lived you think I choose to be gay with all the negitive things that brings no thanks people.
My point of contention here is not that it is or is not a choice to be attracted to the same gender, my point is that homosexuality is definitely NOT genetic. (emphasis added)
I think you missed this part.
why didn't god give me feelings for women
Perhaps you should ask God this. I haven't noticed that He has posted here.
I believe he wants us to worship him while being happy and reaching out to others. I am gay, I have never felt the "guilt of sin as I have for every other sin I have ever commited there is always guilt that goes with it, why not for this?
Simply because one does or does not feel guilt does not determine whether it is a sinful activitiy or not. I had some issues which my conscience didn't alert me to which I discovered were sinful behaviors in my life.
The church has made us out as some kind of subculture unworthy to share how we feel
How? When?
I'm not trying to be a dink, nor is it my place to judge your soul, however, I do not understand how someone can state that they are following God with all of their heart when they obviously are not willing to leave their sin behind. Your life, your decisions, your choices are between you and God. I would gladly welcome you into the church which I attend, however, I do not think you should be the pastor of it, for reasons which I have stated. We're all sinners, regardless of everything else.
You are a homosexual. That is your business. I am not, however, I know there are plenty of behaviors which I exhibit which are not appropriate for a Christian, hence I do not plan to go into the ministry any time soon. However, I have decided and committed to changing my lifestyle, so that it will be in line with the faith which I proclaim to have. Am I perfect? Definitely not.