The CIC OT Zone's Official You're All Huge Idiots Religion Thread

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The fact is the common open minded non religous indiviudual sees quite clearly that being gay is not a sin, its not evil, it doesn't effect anyone else and its not as though its a concious decision, all this demonstrates is that religion has long outlived its usefullness and is now becoming very dangerous, breading hatred and contempt where otherwise there would be none.

BTW If god detests homosexuals then god is a racist ass! Hence God no longer falls under his own definition of being a kind and compassionate creator and hence is no longer god, and hence self destructs because he is a paradox ;)
And there haven't been preists and Bishops who haven't sinned? That would make them God - we all sin.
Indeed we do, however, there is a vast difference between living a lifestyle of habitual sin, and falling short here and there. Nobody's perfect, however, some actually strive for perfection while others attempt to justify their sinful lifestyle as they continue them.

I do not think a homosexual should be ordained, just as I do not think a thief, a liar, a drunkard, a pedophile, a porn addict... any habitual sinner should be ordained.

That doesn't mean a mutation can't pop up. (...) Anyway, the point is, a mutation could still cause the gene to occur.
So you're comparing homosexuality to a disease arising from a genetic mutation? Interesting...
Mutations occur all the time - they're not uncommon.
As any geneticist can tell you, the vast majority of genetic mutations are not passed from one generation to the next.

Additionally, as you stated, most genetic mutations are recessive genes, and are made up for by one of the parents' dominant, regular genes. Generally, these harsh genetic diseases occur only in people who receive the faulty gene from both parents (who would both be carrying one normal and one faulty gene, so they themselves are not harmed).

Genetic disorders are limited to existing within a species. A cat cannot be a hemophiliac, for example.

How likely is it that mankind and animal alike (from your homosexual animal data) both have the same genetic mutation which is capable of being transferred from one generation to the next, which would cause homosexuality? Statistically impossible.
The evidence seems to suggest it is genetic or in some way predetermined.
Your argument for genetic predisposition does not hold water.
You also have that issue of that study I mentioned before on animal species to deal with (...) Homosexuality and bisxuality occur regularly in animals. The evidence seems to suggest it is genetic or in some way predetermined
As I stated in a previous post, many animals also kill and devour one another. Does this mean that this is a practice that we humans should engage in? (I'm also curious as to the source of your statistics here)
(For those keeping score at home, I'm *not* an atheist... but I'm also no Preacher.)
My apologies for making the accusation, however, I've heard your statement spoken almost word-for-word before by one too many atheists. Heck, I think I even said such when I did not believe in a Creator.
The genetic basis for hair/eye/skin coloration was well confirmed long before anyone realized we could play around with genes on a microscopic level -- they're all very easy things to study on simply a phenotypic/hereditary level.
I didn't state that the genetic basis for hair/eye/skin coloration was not confirmed. I did state that the specific genes having to do with these things had not yet been identified.
Genes that code for all of these things *have* been partially-to-completely identified. All three cases are polygenic traits, and the major affectors have all been identified. (Eye color, for instance, is determined by two separate genes on chromosome 15 and a third on chromosome 19...).
Circa 1998 I do not believe that these things had been determined. I should have been more time-specific with my statement.
As hard a life as I've lived you think I choose to be gay with all the negitive things that brings no thanks people.
My point of contention here is not that it is or is not a choice to be attracted to the same gender, my point is that homosexuality is definitely NOT genetic. (emphasis added)
I think you missed this part.
why didn't god give me feelings for women
Perhaps you should ask God this. I haven't noticed that He has posted here.
I believe he wants us to worship him while being happy and reaching out to others. I am gay, I have never felt the "guilt of sin as I have for every other sin I have ever commited there is always guilt that goes with it, why not for this?
Simply because one does or does not feel guilt does not determine whether it is a sinful activitiy or not. I had some issues which my conscience didn't alert me to which I discovered were sinful behaviors in my life.
The church has made us out as some kind of subculture unworthy to share how we feel
How? When?

I'm not trying to be a dink, nor is it my place to judge your soul, however, I do not understand how someone can state that they are following God with all of their heart when they obviously are not willing to leave their sin behind. Your life, your decisions, your choices are between you and God. I would gladly welcome you into the church which I attend, however, I do not think you should be the pastor of it, for reasons which I have stated. We're all sinners, regardless of everything else.

You are a homosexual. That is your business. I am not, however, I know there are plenty of behaviors which I exhibit which are not appropriate for a Christian, hence I do not plan to go into the ministry any time soon. However, I have decided and committed to changing my lifestyle, so that it will be in line with the faith which I proclaim to have. Am I perfect? Definitely not.
-- Um, no. The very purpose of religion (at least of the Christian faith) is to serve God, and decidedly NOT "people" (esp. ourSELVES). The idea is, in serving God wholeheartedly, we end UP serving mankind, as God loves us all (John 3:16). The problem in human's understanding of the concept is that what WE think to be "good" for mankind is quite a bit different than what God KNOWS to be good for us. The prophet Isaiah quoted God as saying:

No, it isn't. Religion exists to order society -- 'serving God' is a means to that end, not an end in and of itself. Even if you're too ignorant to recognize that *your* religion is just one of a dozen methods of doing the same thing, surely you can still recognize what all the 'wrong' ones are.
Oh come on, you claim to know what god believes from some outdated, dusty, mistranslated, misinterperreted long spoken before written text which was so long ago that it was before the time we'd identified most metal disoreders? Go to mental hospital most have claimed to hear from god.

Homosexuallity is most definatley genetically determined. I like Brunettes, you look at my history of crushes and girlfriends all bar one mistake are brunette, I bet no one has found the gene that means I like brunettes but somehow I do, I've never had a trauma with blondes or redheads so I'm assuming its not psychological, the only thing left is genes.

There is NOTHING evil about being gay, it hurts no one, just like being Jewish wasn't evil, but if Hitler says it by gosh it must be true, we're the superior race afterall!

Your religion has made you an ass, you've activley insulted people who for all you know spend their entire lives helping other people, have saved 10 peoples lives and took a bullet for a small child. At the end of this you're saying god will say... yeah... but you were supposed to shag her, not him.

A great site I saw once said that had hitler repented on his death bed he would have gone to heaven and someone who saved 1,000,000 children with a vaccicne, lost their leg saving someone they'd never met, gave all their money to charity but didn't believe in god would go to hell. Hurrah for the just and mighty lord! :P

If you're going to be religous fine, it can make some people into better ones, a sense of reason and purpose HOWEVER if you follow blindly, do not use your own judgement of right and wrong then you are completley amoral, no sense of your own right or wrong, VERY DANGEROUS!

you never answered my question. Why, if gay is a choice would we choose to live such a hard life, full of hate, misrepresentation, and fear and stereotypes I could go on.

so tell me exactly do you think people would choose to be gay?

Ha that's dumb!

BTW If god detests homosexuals then god is a racist ass!
Incorrect. As I already stated, racism (which is a prejudice term) and the belief that homosexual behavior is sinful are not comparable.
The fact is the common open minded non religous indiviudual sees quite clearly that being gay is not a sin
Non religious individuals have no need to see anything as sinful or not sinful behavior. Additionally, there is no difference between my belief that homosexual behavior is sinful and your statement here suggesting that all religious folks are closed-minded. They are both the result of prejudice.
breading hatred and contempt
Is this anything like breading fish sticks or chicken nuggets? Should hatred and contempt be cooked in a deep fryer, or in the fires of Hell?

Additionally, for one who is so open-minded, you seem rather closed-minded regarding religion and the existence of God (and whether or not the word 'God' should be capitalized or not). Perhaps you should open your mind to the possibility that there may be a Creator.
Dark Ficus said:
So you're comparing homosexuality to a disease arising from a genetic mutation? Interesting...

I'm saying it's a mutation. Mutations cause terrible things like disease. They also aid great things like evolution. I don't think I need to continue on that... don't put words in my mouth.

As any geneticist can tell you, the vast majority of genetic mutations are not passed from one generation to the next.

No, most are not. However, the same mutation can occur in different generations. Homosexuality does not seem to follow a family lineage - it is not passed on. But if a mutation causes it, there's nothing keeping that mutation from occuring more than once.

Additionally, as you stated, most genetic mutations are recessive genes, and are made up for by one of the parents' dominant, regular genes. Generally, these harsh genetic diseases occur only in people who receive the faulty gene from both parents (who would both be carrying one normal and one faulty gene, so they themselves are not harmed).

That's a common misconception. There's just as many dominant as there are recessive genetic disorders. However, in the cases of the dominant ones, most of the population has the recessive form of the allele.

Genetic disorders are limited to existing within a species. A cat cannot be a hemophiliac, for example.

How likely is it that mankind and animal alike (from your homosexual animal data) both have the same genetic mutation which is capable of being transferred from one generation to the next, which would cause homosexuality? Statistically impossible.

A cat could however, have it's own form of hemophilia. If nothing stayed the same between the species genetically, evolution would not have taken place. In terms of genetics, we're more than 99% similar to apes, and genetic diseases have come from apes to humans, and do go between species that are similar enough.
Homosexuallity is most definatley genetically determined. (...) I'm assuming its not psychological, the only thing left is genes.
And you're a geneticist, so we should take it that your assumption is correct? Either way, the only thing left is not genes.

I guess my predisposition to my wife must be genetic as well...
Dark Ficus said:
Incorrect. As I already stated, racism (which is a prejudice term) and the belief that homosexual behavior is sinful are not comparable..

No they're very comparable, racists believed nothing more than it was wrong to be of another race

Dark Ficus said:
Non religious individuals have no need to see anything as sinful or not sinful behavior. Additionally, there is no difference between my belief that homosexual behavior is sinful and your statement here suggesting that all religious folks are closed-minded. They are both the result of prejudice.

ABSOLUTE NONSENSE, as an atheist I believe that this life is all anyone gets, if you hurt people whilst you're in it then its a crime against humanity, the world would have been better off with out you, a strong definition of right and wrong is an absolute must as it is clear that there is little difference between your life and the next persons, hence you should be doing everything you can to make sure everyone on the planet enjoys the time that they are given. Religous folk are closed minded is a definition, you do what you are told to do. I know relgious people who aren't, who choose to read between the lines, however thats not strictly what religion is about, unfortunatley, hence the "follow the me blindly" has become the routine. My statement is based from experience and provable evidence. How can you show me what 2 people do in the privacy of their bedrooms hurting anyone?

Dark Ficus said:
Additionally, for one who is so open-minded, you seem rather closed-minded regarding religion and the existence of God (and whether or not the word 'God' should be capitalized or not). Perhaps you should open your mind to the possibility that there may be a Creator.
Its a possibility, its all a matter of statistics, the idea that religion has been used by people to gain power is far more plausable and hence what I work from when making decisions. Theres no way currently known that an all powerfull and knowing being could just "appear" so it falls in the "chances smaller than 1 in a billion category". If I die and meet god I'll tell him that I've done my best to make other peoples lives good ones, and NOT because of the fear of hell which is so readily used to keep people without their own morals in check.
Dark Ficus said:
And you're a geneticist, so we should take it that your assumption is correct? Either way, the only thing left is not genes.

I guess my predisposition to my wife must be genetic as well...

I covered basic biology, things are either genetically determined or enviromentally determined, there is no 3rd of 4th factor.
There is some truth to what Pedro's saying, regardless of his horrible, horrible example. We do seem to have a genetic imperative to look for certain features in a mate... generally, things that tell us they'll produce healthy offspring. it's a lot more pronounced in animals, which often rely on elborate color displays and calls and what-not for mating... but it certainly exists in people, too.
Pedro said:
A great site I saw once said that had hitler repented on his death bed he would have gone to heaven and someone who saved 1,000,000 children with a vaccicne, lost their leg saving someone they'd never met, gave all their money to charity but didn't believe in god would go to hell. Hurrah for the just and mighty lord! :P

Wow you got that just about right. We are not judged by our actions in and of themselves, but on our relationship with Jesus Christ. If I am right than you are looking at spending an eternity in h*ll. If I am wrong, then let me apologize and and say you will still be dead. I am not saying believe because it is better than the alternatve but have an open mind. Because if you do not change your mind and repent you may soon have one last oppertunity, I pray that you do not waste it. As for the just and mighty Lord part, all He is asking is that you acknowledge and accept His gift, eternal life, to you and no more. You will still sin but if you ask for forgivness you will be forgiven. I myself have had a miracle touch my life directly from prayer. If you were to change your mind, believe, and accept Jesus into your heart without reservation and not in the form of testing God then you would know that it was the right thing to do. I will be praying for all of you naysayers and all of you who may need God to make Himself apparent in your life. If you are waivering on what to do or are curious on what the truth is. Ask God. Ask Him to make Himself known to you so that you may believe. Then open your eyes, unseal your ears, and have an open mind. Be patient, He will show Himself to you but it will take longer than you may be willing to wait. I ask all of the other believers reading this thread to also pray to God to help out those reading this thread who are in need.

Bandit LOAF said:
There is some truth to what Pedro's saying, regardless of his horrible, horrible example. We do seem to have a genetic imperative to look for certain features in a mate... generally, things that tell us they'll produce healthy offspring. it's a lot more pronounced in animals, which often rely on elborate color displays and calls and what-not for mating... but it certainly exists in people, too.

I always knew there was some reasoning behind my incoherant ramblings :P

Erkle said:
Wow you got that just about right. We are not judged by our actions in and of themselves, but on our relationship with Jesus Christ. If I am right than you are looking at spending an eternity in h*ll. If I am wrong, then let me apologize and and say you will still be dead. I am not saying believe because it is better than the alternatve but have an open mind. Because if you do not change your mind and repent you may soon have one last oppertunity, I pray that you do not waste it. As for the just and mighty Lord part, all He is asking is that you acknowledge and accept His gift, eternal life, to you and no more. You will still sin but if you ask for forgivness you will be forgiven.

So basically he really doesn't care how good we are as people, how well we treat others, it doesn't matter if we make the world a better place... hes an evil egomaniac who punishes everyone who doesn't worship the ground he walks on. Oh its all making so much sense now.
there is no 3rd of 4th factor.
Instinct. Non-traumatic psychological predisposition.

There's three and four.
We do seem to have a genetic imperative to look for certain features in a mate... generally, things that tell us they'll produce healthy offspring

And as we all know, mating with one of the same gender as us produces incredibly healthy offspring...
NOT because of the fear of hell which is so readily used to keep people without their own morals in check
You seem to be making more closed-minded comments than the rest of us have.
Theres no way currently known that an all powerfull and knowing being could just "appear"
If a Creator exists in a dimension transcendent of space-time, there is no requirement for this Creator to have a beginning or to "appear".
No what I am saying is that no matter how much you have sinned you can still always turn to God accept His gift and be forgiven. It is Gods desire that none be lost and that all be saved.

Dark Ficus said:
Instinct. Non-traumatic psychological predisposition.

There's three and four.

#1 is gentic, #2 is enviromental

Dark Ficus said:
And as we all know, mating with one of the same gender as us produces incredibly healthy offspring....
No it doesn't, hence why everyone has been calling it a mutation or flaw... please don't start another circular argument

Dark Ficus said:
You seem to be making more closed-minded comments than the rest of us have.....
I've been saying what others have been thinking, it disagrees with you and hence you call it closed minded

Dark Ficus said:
If a Creator exists in a dimension transcendent of space-time, there is no requirement for this Creator to have a beginning or to "appear".
Ofcourse, you're so right, because ofcourse a complex lifeform can just come into being when he no longer has any of the four dimensions in which to exist, that suddenly makes the near impossiblity of the most complex being imaginable just appearing, thankyou!

Erkle said:
No what I am saying is that no matter how much you have sinned you can still always turn to God accept His gift and be forgiven. It is Gods desire that none be lost and that all be saved.

Its not a gift, its an ultimatum, no matter how you try to phrase it. It is gods desire that ONLY those who worship him be saved regardless of how evil they are as an evil follower is still a follower.
Now I wonder why the creator of the entire universe might be considered a egomaniac? Note Sarcasm.
But on a serious note that same God wishes every man, woman, and child to be saved. The only thing I can say is that you seem to have a closed mind. I will be praying that God will help remedy this.

I would enjoy continuing this discussion but it is time for me to get some rest before I have to work tongiht. God Bless All.

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