vindicator said:
#1 if they allowed ministers that were gay into the church which I know for a fact that this is only covered by the media because it is such a high level of office in the church or whatever I also went to a local church here that had a gay pastor and he really loves god but your predjudice would push him away...'s people like preacher that made me wake up everyday think I was less than human that I needed to die for how I felt if I hadn't had this agay pastor show me that is was ok to love god even though I was gay I could very well be dead so IMO I think it's already further along then you realize tremble in fear as we corrupt you </herk>
...does being gay make me any less human or deserve the love of god any less to qoute everything a pastor ever said when he got caught breaking the rules "atleast I am not a homosexual" as of course we know that gives you special privilage as long as you don't take it in the *&&* that makes you somehow better then I am or gives you the right to judge or deny me any rights I know in the end who I have to answer to so why do you religous types feel free to judge me so harshly and speak in such hateful ways I don't get it I don't think jesus did to make you god preacher
Ok, rance, first up: I never saw you here on the CZ before. I guess you don't post too often, looking at your post header... In any event, welcome. Bienvenido.
Secondly, you need to go back and read my posts on this thread a little more carefully; when you do that, you'll see that you've clearly missed a few things I've said. Nonetheless, I'll attempt to clarify or reiterate here.
-- Yer right that it's covered by the media as it is because of the high level of visibility of the story. Nothing new there. However, if you read the scripture, you'll see that its not "our" (READ: the church's) prejudice; it's a "prejudice" that God himself sets down. If you don't wanna believe the Bible, that's your right (but if that's the case, why bother going to church at all?), but we're just going by what the Book sez. I'd be intrigued to hear any gay person who claims to be a Christian put forth some kind of biblically-based defense of their position, but I ain't heard that yet. If you'd like to do so, feel free to PM me here on the CZ.
-- I never in my life, AFAIK, have as much as made a gay joke at someone, so I don't really know where you get that "people like" me have made you feel the way you felt. The great thing about God is that he loves you no matter what your situation or your sin. If that were not so, mi amigo, I ALSO would be dead: When I came to Christ I was an angry, foul-mouthed drunkard, and a raving porn-oholic.
-- The thing is this: God loves everyone as they are, but He also loves us far too much to LEAVE us the way we are. His way is to renew us from within, generally over time, And this not through our own efforts, but through His Holy Spirit's work in our hearts. If that were not so, people like David, Moses, and Paul (murderers one and all, and Dave an adulterer and coverup artist), Rahab & Mary Magdalene (both prostitutes), and countless others would not have made it to the "Hall of Fame" of the faith (as in Hebrews 11). Our sins/weaknesses do not make us less than human, rather, they make us fully human; it is the nature of the beast, unfortunately.
-- I do not worry at all that I or anyone who is truly of the faith will be corrupted; rather, I am concerned for those who do not yet know any better.
-- I am sorry to hear that some pastor caught in a bind used that sorry excuse for his actions. Sin is sin, whether it's substance addiction, gambling addiction, chronic infidelity to your spouse, child abuse, pathological lying, anger, atheism, or any other such pattern you can name. No one of us is any better than anyone else, and if you read my earlier posts you'd have caught me admitting as much about myself. There's a bumper sticker that says "Christians aren't better than anyone else, just forgiven". That pretty much sums it up. Forgiveness is available to all, but one needs to repent to receive same. And, coming to faith is no guarantee that one will not sin again, but the faith needs to be genuine. And genuine faith is marked by a decreasing incidence & severity of sin over time, not its complete elimination. I sin just about every day, but there's a distinct difference in the pattern of such over time from when I first came to faith 14 years ago (thank God!), namely, my sins now are less deliberate, less severe, and less of a "pattern" than they were beforehand.
-- I do not judge anyone; it's not my job. And no, Jesus did not "make me God" (or anyone else, for that matter), as you put it. However, every believer is called upon to speak truth and stand up for what's right, and sometimes that involves speaking up and telling forth what the Bible sez is right. It's inevitable that it will come across to those engaging in wrong conduct as "hateful" or "harsh". Just look at Christ: His stance for what was right was so hated by (some of) those He came to save that He ended up getting killled for his efforts. We Christians should hardly be surprised, then, when we encounter such militant opposition when we try to speak what is right.
All that said, I'd really like to continue this discussion with you, but can't really do so adequately in this context. If you wanna PM me, that'd be cool.