Bingo, Aries.
PopsiclePete said:
The Catholic do not worship Mary over Jesus; they pray her to intercede to God.
Not quite correct. There was movement afoot for awhile there where good ol' Pope JP2 was actually considering elevating Mary to the status of "Co-Redemptrix of Humanity" (see for a reference). Sounds to me like a pretty worshipful office to hold, wouldn't you say?...Calling her "Co-" indicates equality w/ Jesus, and makes her eligible for worship. If the idea was for her to simply be an "assistant", the term would be something like "Sub-Redemptrix". Anyway, I dunno what ever happened to that idea, but I wouldn't be surprised if JP2 ended up rejecting it either because
(a) He was pressured to by the more stable and orthodox of his advisors, and/or
(b) He realized how stupid that would be, and what a fool he would look like to do so.
Nappydman said:
...America is supposed to be a country founded on the idea that all people can have the choice to do as they please, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else...To deny citizens of your country the freedom to legally take the final step in a relationship with the person they love is wrong, and against the spirit of the Constitution.
Uh huh.
...and if I love your 6-year-old niece (or better yet, daughter, if you have one), and she loves me, we should be allowed to marry and have sex because it's the "final step in our love relationship" with one another?...
Bottom line here is your statement "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else" is right on...yet, not quite as you intended it, I trust.
To allow pedophile marriages would be harmful to the child. To allow gay marriages would hurt and cheapen the institution of marriage. To hurt the institution of marriage would be to weaken the institution of the family. To weaken the family would be to weaken all individuals in the family. To weaken all the individuals in all the families would be to hurt the nation. Common sense, bub. It is not in the best interests of the nation to allow by law for a new legal entity which would harm its citizenry. We do that, we might as well make make murder, kidnapping, terrorism, robbery and other such fun things legal as well.
steampunk said:
Some animals do indeed engage in homosexual behaviour. This behaviour does seem to be well documented and thus proves that homosexuality can indeed be governed by genetics. Hence the same is likely to be so with humans
.... this does not neccessarily mean we can go against what is in our genes. Its like saying, I choose to have purple skin, *poof* I have purple skin. That's silly. Its not neccessarily a choice to make.
That animals do it don't prove squat, bub. The key here is the word "can", as in "can be governed". This is not the same as "IS governed". In all likelihood, one's turning out gay is a combination of biological and enviro'l factors, with the enviro being the more major of the 2 influences.
Sorry, but yer wrong about the "choice against genetics" thing. For starters, we don't know that it is genetic at all, such is only a theory. Second, it IS a choice, when it comes right down to it. Cases in point:
-- I'm heterosexual and proud of it. Yet, I'm also single, and I'm CHOOSING to keep myself clean before God, and to not have sex again until such time as I get married. It ain't gonna be easy in the least, but it can be done
-- If it ain't a choice, then how do you explain that this bishop was married & had kids before "discovering" that he's gay, and going with that lifestyle?...
-- If you theorize that he "always knew it, but chose to get married/etc. to keep up the image, since he wasn't ready to come out of the closet yet", then how could he manage to get sexually excited enough w/ the wife to be able to live a normal married life/have kids/etc.?...One word: CHOICE.
-- The existence of bisexuality is a pretty strong argument in itself against the theory that we're "hardwired" (i.e., genetically programmed) to be either straight or gay.
Napoleon said:
...Dark F: you seem to forget that paul consideres all forms of sex between any combination of sexes or beings wrong and evil and that celebacy is the best way. He also considers women evil.
Wrong, bub, it is YOU who either forget, or else (more likely) never knew in the first place about the subject you speak of:
What Paul
actually said was that he *wished* that all people could be "as I am", meaning single and content to stay that way (1 Corinthians 7, starting w/ verse 7). He goes on quite extensively to say what are the proper and accepted means of being related to one another in a marital situation, albeit ONLY between ONE man and ONE woman. He even states that single-ness (as Paul himself is) is the exception rather than the rule, and is only for those to whom God bestowed it as a spiritual gift. In short, he acknowledged that marriage was the "norm" in human relationships. If you find Paul too sexually restrictive for your tastes, that's your right; but don't take it up with him, or with us here: take it up with his Boss (you know; that resurrected Jewish carpenter guy?...)