
That video is quite cool.
There are just some mistakes. He leaves out some countries on the map and sudan is in it twice. Also he mentions some things that aren't countries, like Algier (which is a city) and Asia, which is a continent.

Otherwise very nice!
That these things happening, even frequently, doesn't make them right or acceptable or indicative that grammar rules of changed.

While I agree that the technical rules of grammar have not changed (though there seem to be some new theories on starting sentences with 'and', for example), I do think there is no denying that the level of importance placed on these rules (the rules governing when following the rules is necessary, if you like) has certainly evolved in recent years.

I can't help but note that this appears to be based on the evolution of communciation technology. There's probably a great thesis paper just dying to emerge from this.

I fully admit that in places like the office and the classroom these rules are still important (though I learned far more about english grammar from studying German and Spanish.) However, in terms of day to day interactions, there just isn't (IMO) the same stigma attached to whether or not someone is using 'proper' grammar.