Origin is officially dead...

The problem with a game like Privateer is that it's very hard to strike a good balance. You need a lot of playtesting, a lot of luck, or someone very skilled. The cool thing of Privateer is that you could upgrade all kinds of stuff like radars and stuff. It was not just a matter of weapons.
Yes it's not easy, this could be done including wcppas builder iff engine into the game, so you could select those objects on a room file and combine them and next compile the ship.
Dundradal said:
I wish I knew how to do anything so that I could help you guys...
Oh, if I had a dollar for every time I heard that :p. Hey, it's not like any of us were born with these skills - we had to learn them. So why can't you?
What WC2-era scenario would everybody like to see after Standoff's Battle-of-Terra? I am in favor of a Vukar Tag campaign myself.
I would like that. Two seperate branches. One as a pilot of the Tarawa and another as a pilot off Concordia or even Wolfhound at Vukar Tag.
Well, feel free to code any of those campaigns - if it's good, you can use our shipset. :p

McGruff said:
Just wondering what those ships are in the picture, I don't recognize them from a game?
If you mean the original post, those are Hakagas from the cover of Fleet Action.
The concordia would be an interesting path to follow as right after the battle he pulls out to go aid the tarawa...that could be interesting...