Origin is officially dead...

Yes, just about all of the strikes. Early on you have no Sabres, so you use Gladii for a few strikes. Then you get Sabres, and you pretty much use them until the end of the game. Considering Crossbows only show up during the later (harder) missions, and don't ever get replaced, I'd say a lucky player could maybe use them for three missions.
Well, most likely, it'll be one or two missions, depending on how your wingmen handle themselves, but it's still better than nothing, I guess.
Forgive me for asking such a stupid question,
but has there been any changes to the fiction viewer?
You used the words 'In Game' fiction viewer. But the fiction viewer from UE was anything but in game.
I found that entire method of having to quit, read, reload, between each mission extremely aggrevating.
Please excuse the extreme newbieish sounding question, and its accompanying statement.
I didn't manage to play all of UE, but I'm sure you could switch to Windows without quitting the game.
Dragon-Dreams said:
Forgive me for asking such a stupid question,
but has there been any changes to the fiction viewer?
Well, not really "changes". We've been using our ingame fiction viewer ever since HCl created it for us. Here's a shot of the menu hotspot that leads to it: http://standoff.solsector.net/shots/shot39.png

Standoff and UE aren't as related as people sometimes imagine... UE's influence on Standoff is much more in terms of ideas and programmer expertise than in terms of actual code. It was never even considered for Standoff to use UE's fiction viewer, for example.

This is partly due to the fact that by the time UE was released and the UE programmers started helping out with Standoff, easier/better ways to do what UE did had either already come up or were being imagined by UE team members on a "hey, what if next time, we try this..." basis. :)

Dragon-Dreams said:
Please excuse the extreme newbieish sounding question, and its accompanying statement.
No problem, all questions are welcome, and it's good to see a new face around here once in a while.

For what it's worth, even in UE you could control+esc out of the game - I think there was a problem in 32 bit mode, or something like that, but on the other settings it worked fine. You still had to quit the fiction viewer every time, because unlike the game, it didn't support ctrl+esc, alt+tab, or anything of that sort.
Thanks for the help ;)
I wasn't sure whether I was going to get ripped for asking such a question, but it turned out great.
That in game fiction viewer will be a great improvement.
When playing UE I had all sorts of problems with minimising etc.
Standoff looks to be an incredibly promising addon. :)
I just hope the standoff team can find other niches of the WC universe they would like to create an experience for...I can think of a few battles I wouldn't mind fighting in...
that would be nice...I wouldn't mind blowing the shit out of some imperial carriers and legions at vukar tag as well...our maybe going out on a CVE to raid shipyards (was it Enigma and Khosan that didn't return?), but the events around wc2 would be a nice start :)
The real Wing Commander that needs revisiting is undoubtably privateer. ;)
That still remains my favourite WC game.
If someone could make a Privateer sequel in the Secret Ops Engine, then that would be the best project ever.
Though it would require almost a total remake of the engine between flights.
I've often thought about how the SO engine could be adapted to a Priv-like game, and I believe that, even without any significant changes to the game engine, you could already almost do it. You'd end up with a game that, in terms of freedom of gameplay, would be somewhere in the middle between WCP and Priv. However, I have no intention of trying this out in practice - even after Standoff is done, I'll have more important things to do.
Dundradal said:
that would be nice...I wouldn't mind blowing the shit out of some imperial carriers and legions at vukar tag as well...our maybe going out on a CVE to raid shipyards (was it Enigma and Khosan that didn't return?), but the events around wc2 would be a nice start :)

Prehaps later on you could develop mission packs exploring other areas, like an escort carrier raid or flying off Concordia at Vugar Tag, which would be an exciting battle.
hell even just a group of missions that revolves around one carrier doing a normal patrol/raiding route would be awesome...basically we'll take anything...
Dragon-Dreams said:
The real Wing Commander that needs revisiting is undoubtably privateer. ;)
That still remains my favourite WC game.
If someone could make a Privateer sequel in the Secret Ops Engine, then that would be the best project ever.
Though it would require almost a total remake of the engine between flights.

Well, here you have a Privateer heavy fan, when I'll finish standoff missions programming I think dedicate time to improve the game by mean of external dll's, this allways will depend of HCL can give me all information that only he know. :)
Also I have in folder other SO game, but now I'm busy 100% with standoff.