Well, not really "changes". We've been using our ingame fiction viewer ever since HCl created it for us. Here's a shot of the menu hotspot that leads to it: http://standoff.solsector.net/shots/shot39.pngDragon-Dreams said:Forgive me for asking such a stupid question,
but has there been any changes to the fiction viewer?
No problem, all questions are welcome, and it's good to see a new face around here once in a while.Dragon-Dreams said:Please excuse the extreme newbieish sounding question, and its accompanying statement.
Dundradal said:that would be nice...I wouldn't mind blowing the shit out of some imperial carriers and legions at vukar tag as well...our maybe going out on a CVE to raid shipyards (was it Enigma and Khosan that didn't return?), but the events around wc2 would be a nice start
Dragon-Dreams said:The real Wing Commander that needs revisiting is undoubtably privateer.
That still remains my favourite WC game.
If someone could make a Privateer sequel in the Secret Ops Engine, then that would be the best project ever.
Though it would require almost a total remake of the engine between flights.