Quarto said:BTW everyone, website update.
Eder said:For most of Standoff's strike missions, the player (being the wing commander and all ) will be able to choose wheter to lead the Sabres/Crossbows or the Rapiers.
The Feb. 29th update is precisely what I was talking about. Not everyone checks the site every day, you know .Starkey said:Again? The last update was on Feb. 29.
Unfortunately, we're limited by the engine on this... since the ship selector doesn't let us give more than two options, these options will be between the escort wing and the bomber wing, since that's what adds more replayability IMHO. Being able to choose which bomber to use would be nice, too, but it's not as much of a drastic change.Delance said:Interesting. Will there be a choice between Sabres and Crossbows, or it will be either one or the Rapiers?
Afterburners are much more important in the Vision engine, though, because the AI uses them so much.... Our Sabre is definitely a better ship overall, the Crossbow just has more punch.Delance said:Even if on WC2 SO1 they made it clear that the Crossbow is much better than the Sabre on everything.
Eder said:Being able to choose which bomber to use would be nice, too, but it's not as much of a drastic change.
Quarto said:The Feb. 29th update is precisely what I was talking about. Not everyone checks the site every day, you know .
No, I don't think there is a way to do this... the simulator screen always looks for the same mission files (s0.mis thru s9.mis).Dundradal said:oh i see i see. is there a way to include more than 10 missions? so that way we could load up different sets depending on what we wanted to do? or is this starting to ask to much?
Hmm, that's a good idea, but we'd still need to offer more than two choices to the player (between leading the 4 Rapiers, the 4 Crossbows, or the 8 Sabres), and we don't know how to do that.Delance said:True. I was thinking more in terms of, instead of sending 4 crossbows escorted by 4 rapiers, to send 8 sabres. Less punch per ship, but they can fight off other fighters more easly and need no escort. Just an idea.
Speak for yourself .Eder said:Hmm, that's a good idea, but we'd still need to offer more than two choices to the player (between leading the 4 Rapiers, the 4 Crossbows, or the 8 Sabres), and we don't know how to do that.
The selection windows display the 3d model of the ship you're choosing, though - I'd have to make a text mesh that says "fighters" and another that says "bombers" or something like that. Wouldn't look very professional.Ijuin said:Actually the two-selections-in-sequence might work if you could set it up so that the first choice is between bomber/escort wings and the second choice is between available ships within the wing.
Yep, those are the only 5 onboard the Firekka, and yep, there's basically no reason to fly a Stiletto or Gladius once you get to the Rapiers and Sabres.Ijuin said:Then again, I really don't see any reason that a player would choose a ship other than Rapier/Sabre/Crossbow, since the Stiletto and Galdius are inferior to them (IIRC you can only fly those five in the actual missions).
That alone already makes a big difference when flying against WCP's AI - they use afterburners a *lot*. Another problem with Crossbows in Standoff, though, is that they're not cheap, while the Firekka is. If you lose a Crossbow, forget about ever getting a replacement.Ijuin said:But speaking seriously, the Crossbow has more speed, maneuverability, and gun power than a Broadsword. The only really big drawback I can see it having over the Sabre is the lack of afterburner.
Well, me and Quarto aren't feeling very time-effective lately, so we're going for a three ship selection method which doesn't look as lame as having two ship chooser screens one after the other. Quarto's idea will probably work without any problems.Ijuin said:As far as ship selection goes, I would just stick with the Rapier/Crossbow choice for missions where you get to pick between escort and bombing, Rapier/Sabre for missions where you will not be in a bombing wing, and Sabre/Crossbow for missions where you will definitely be in a bombing wing.
Eder said:The player will now get to choose between the Rapier, Sabre, and Crossbow in the event of a strike mission, provided of course that he has enough of each ship available at that point. If the player picks the Rapier, we will probably have the other wing default to using Sabres unless there's not enough of them.
I liked this new idea, specially since it allows the player to choose when to risk his Crossbows (you never know when all your wingmen will have to eject ).