New 3D Thread

I must admit, I'm a bit envious :)

Technically I didn't need to do any poly reduction in WCP unlimited either. The Ferret was ~30K faces IIRC, I did do some for efficiency's sake (removing overlapping faces and parts of the mesh that aren't visible to the player) but it wasn't a major undertaking. My final Polycount was 26K.
Good news!

I now have all the WC 1 fighters imported except the jalthi (missing the texture file).

I will try to throw together a demo mission in the meantime but it looks like we could see the first release by the end of the week!
Good news!

I now have all the WC 1 fighters imported except the jalthi (missing the texture file).

I will try to throw together a demo mission in the meantime but it looks like we could see the first release by the end of the week!

That's awesome news!

Jalthi is up:
Dralthi is up:

If you can hang on for a few days, I'm optimizing the Tiger's Claw, hangar bay and all! :)
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That's awesome news!

Jalthi is up:
Dralthi is up:

If you can hang on for a few days, I'm optimizing the Tiger's Claw, hangar bay and all! :)

I have done a quick look at the Bengal and Concordia models. At about 700k triangles each they will be a challenge. Any optimization will be a great help. Also, if you can keep the parts separated into different objects it makes optimization easier on my end (no worries if you can't).

It will be a while before I get to the bengal so no need to rush. I have to figure out how to animate turrets first ;-)
@Klavs81: your F-44X Super Rapier is now in-game. Do you have any suggestions for the backstory, specs, armament, role in the battlefield, etc.?


Awesome! super wing commander was my first WC game so I have a soft spot for their rapier, and it greatly resembles the Arena rapier.

In my head, Super Wing Commander (and the WC movie) are in-universe movie versions of the events of WC1, but they made the attempt to film using live spacecraft. Not having the correct models on hand, they used whatever they could find! Hence gladii standing in for raptors, and super rapiers standing in for F-44As!

The fiction I wrote for the armada kilrathi carrier covers it (because I'm so clever and charming and all)

I get asked an awful lot of good questions at aerospace shows, and an awful lot of silly ones: What's your real hair color? Where's your eyepatch? etcetera, ad nauseum.

The folks who have seen 'Super Wing Commander' are the most confused, I think. There wasn't a lot of period accurate hardware available to them, so they had to use what they had on hand. Good on 'em for filming actual ships instead of using computer models, but can you imagine? A Lexington-class playing the Tiger's Claw! Banshees for Scimitars, Gladii for Raptors! At least they got some Super Rapiers to play the YF-44As, but Lordy! -If we'd had that kind of hardware in the 2650's, we'd have gone straight to Kilrah with it and won the war outright!

The most impressive thing was that they got some Kilrathi warlord to loan them a converted Shiraak class carrier to act as a 'Fralthi'. It was even more impressive when they blew it up!

Don't even get me started on the one- oh, what was it again? I knew the director, he was a good lad, and his heart was in the right place, but can you imagine? ME?! With a FRENCH accent?

Perish the thought.

-James Taggart 'Flyboy Magazine Interview August 2689.2'

I imagine it's neutron guns and either lasers or something with a little more punch, with more power, slightly better speed, shields, armor and maneuverability, with a few extra missiles. Not a quantum leap, but something that would let it hang better with the late war kilrathi ships

She looks great in game mate, can't wait to try it out!