Vice Admiral
Heh, looks like Klavs ninja'ed you as this was indeed the issue and it was solved properly, the following Broadsword post showing the corrected in-game version. Good eye, though!L.I.F. Looks from the screenshot like the normals are flipped on those faces. It sometimes happens when you convert across multiple formats. In blender, select those faces and then go to the edit->normals and select flip normals. if the normals are inverted they should appear light gray like the rest of the mesh after you flip them.
The main issue now is to make a visible torpedo release work in-game, something that, AFAIK, has never been attempted either in the engine, but where's the fun if there ain't a challenge, right? :-P
BTW, I just noticed the quote in your sig and remembered that I've seen it elsewhere. Are you in Spacebattles.com by any luck?