Lame insults you tossed

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Bandit LOAF said:
So... your complaint is that people on the internet are jerks? I mean, even ignoring the *duh* factor there, you feel that the best way to express this complaint is to butt into a completely unrelated thread acting like a jerk yourself?
If merely pointing out the facts is acting like a jerk then a jerk I am. And I am *not* pointing out that people on the net are jerks. I know many that are not. I'm pointing out that there seems to be a distinct concentration here. I mentioned a short list above.

Bandit LOAF said:
Didn't you just get through gleefully chastizing LeHah for this *exact* sort of unspecified claim? Give us some examples - I'll be happy to explain why threats were closed or people were banned.
Me. You didn't like what I said in the Saddam getting caught thread so you banned me. ie A difference of a opinion.

Bandit LOAF said:
Now, maybe I'm in the dark here, but WHAT THE HELL? If people arguing makes you sad (and lets face it, ???) you should probably stay away from the internet alltogether. And, if possible, people.
Read between the lines. I meant it in the "I sigh and shake my head kind of sad". Basically because the arguments here tend to be of the malicious kind, not the productive kind.

Bandit LOAF said:
Why would we do that? If you need to contact us, our e-mails are posted at the front page... or you could PM us... this isn't some kind of internet limo service. "Hi, I e-mailed you to let you know that you wanted me to e-mail you. Seeya."
It's on it's way.
If merely pointing out the facts is acting like a jerk then a jerk I am.

"Wahh! If you don't agree with me, I'll CANCEL SOME PROJECT!" is acting like a jerk.

Me. You didn't like what I said in the Saddam getting caught thread so you banned me. ie A difference of a opinion.

I close threads and temp ban people for all sorts of inane political discussions... since, in the entire history of the universe, a political thread at a gaming forum has never, ever ended well. I've closed threads and zapped people from *all* ends of the political spectrum.

Basically because the arguments here tend to be of the malicious kind, not the productive kind.

I don't think that's remotely true, though - because NO ONE BUT YOU IS TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY. We're all able to have a good fight or a nice debate or a stupid word game or a whatever and then not care at the end of the day. It's the whole point of an open forum. I've argued all sorts of things against all the regulars posting to this thread - but it's a very mature community... when this thread is done in a few days, there'll be no inane cyber attacks or personal vendettas. We all understand we're just playing.
*This posting has nothing to do with the topic*


LOAF is that you?

Well now I am shocked....because of this

With some little differences, but you look just a little bit like ME!

OMG I found my lost brother ^_^
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Bandit LOAF said:
"Wahh! If you don't agree with me, I'll CANCEL SOME PROJECT!" is acting like a jerk.
This was *never* about you agreeing with me. In fact I never mentioned that once. This is only something that I have been thinking about for some time. I would reiterate my point but I think it is quite clear from my previous posts.

Bandit LOAF said:
I close threads and temp ban people for all sorts of inane political discussions... since, in the entire history of the universe, a political thread at a gaming forum has never, ever ended well. I've closed threads and zapped people from *all* ends of the political spectrum.
There are others. Such as the hot dog, corn dog debate a little while ago. People being silly is no reason to lock a thread, IMHO.

Bandit LOAF said:
I don't think that's remotely true, though - because NO ONE BUT YOU IS TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY. We're all able to have a good fight or a nice debate or a stupid word game or a whatever and then not care at the end of the day. It's the whole point of an open forum. I've argued all sorts of things against all the regulars posting to this thread - but it's a very mature community... when this thread is done in a few days, there'll be no inane cyber attacks or personal vendettas. We all understand we're just playing.
Not all, perhaps you should look back earlier in this thread and look at psych's post that informs us that he has put in insults to certain people in his game. I must disagree about this community be "very mature". If it was then no-one would feed the trolls. Josh ring a bell.

Loaf, check you mail. I still haven't received a reply. And I have no interest in continuing *this* discussion.
"and look at psych's post that informs us that he has put in insults to certain people in his game"

It is all in good fun, though. It is not like he is going to actually use our real names in this mod.

Right pysch. Pysch! PYSCH! :p
Funniest 4 pages (I skimmed) I've read all day. We shall have a DUEL TO THE DEATH!

CAGE MATCH DUEL TO THE DEATH - Wing Commander Geeks against Freespace Geeks!

I'll be on the WC Geeks bench.

I don't have any problem with Freespace, but the testosterone being flung around this board has become so irritating that I am inches away from HATING ALL PROGRAMMERS. Blimey, you guys do amazing stuff for the mod community, but don't flaunt your achievements. It turns appreciation into annoyance very quickly.
Very interesting scan. Just a thought; if FS2 bombed *because* it sucked, it wouldn't be as bad. However, if it was a good game (or simply perceived as such) and still bombed, it would be more devastating, making it very risky invest on a market where even a good products won't do well. The grudge is understandable, really.
Iceblade said:
"and look at psych's post that informs us that he has put in insults to certain people in his game"

It is all in good fun, though. It is not like he is going to actually use our real names in this mod.

Right pysch. Pysch! PYSCH! :p

You got that right . . . Christopher Ogden . . .

(seriously, I don't put anyone's real name, I don't believe in that)
I'm curious as to how this thread went from someone being angry over a joke about Freespace aaalllll the way to a handful of people boo-hooing because they're not winning a debate. And all the points in between. And it wasn't even remotely funny. It was like watching a retarded child run repeatedly into a barbed-wire fence. It just makes me cringe and wonder why this hasn't ended yet.

And, I can already hear the response to this: "If you don't like it, you don't have to read this thread". You're right, I don't. At the same time, those of you who I'm referring to are still really, really, really horrible people.
Hopefully you can respect enough to at least see why I continued to post here - to learn why some opinions are the way they are. My interest in the rest of it is negligable - people can be very stupid.

Bandit, having looked at your scan - all I see is a design proposal that indicates they compared Privateer Online with the current genre leader of the time. If Starlancer or Tachyon was released before FS was, they might well have drawn up a different proposal that compared the two. Hardly conclusive evidence that FS is resposable for anything.

Very interesting scan. Just a thought; if FS2 bombed *because* it sucked, it wouldn't be as bad. However, if it was a good game (or simply perceived as such) and still bombed, it would be more devastating, making it very risky invest on a market where even a good products won't do well. The grudge is understandable, really.
Actually Delance you only prove my point, if it bombed because it sucked then the other developers and publishers should've identified this and continued to do what they want - nobody stopped making FPSs when the bad reviews of Daiakatana began to roll in. However if it bombed even though it was good then it proves that regardless of design specs for other games being compared with the FS franchise, or the strength of any game at the time, there was a low point in the space sim genre that couldn't have been avoided.

In either case, blaming any one game - be it FreeSpace, Tachyon, Starlancer or another - is placing blame for blames sake. I can understand how I'd feel if a game I was looking forward to got cancelled, but I wouldn't leap to blame its competition or those that came slightly before it simply because they were compared to it or were the last one out of the door.
Just posting my opinion here, and trying not to critize anyone in the process. What it seems to me is that there are a lot of cadets joining up who apparently have their own ideas about how things should be run, or threads that have been repeatedly ground into the dust i.e.fav fighter or the next wc game. If you want to start a thread, come up with a rational idea that hasn't been used yet. Otherwise use the search button. I am not trying to flame anyone or anything like that--- it's just that it seems everyone has their own ideas, and wont stop to consider anyone elses or think before posting.
This thread is giving me a headache. Why can't everyone go back to thier respective corners and stop this arguing. I'm going to have to take the side of LOAF and his boys on this one, they made a joke, so what? It was intended to entertain die hard WC fans and it did, what I can't understand is why some people can't take a joke. God stop being so damned butthurt! I can't believe the amount of sniveling going on here the only ones who seem to have any decent points are LOAF and company, and surprise surprise its their board, if you don't want to do a mod for people don't but you dont need to publicly whine about it! Jesus close this bullshit thread already!
May I assume that you refer to me in your mod comment. I'd just like to say:
1) You only need to follow the link to know that this is *not* a mod. It is something that is being created from scratch.
2) I am not whining. I am stating what I have seen *not* bitching about it.
3) I have already decided to leave the project.
4) I have sent an email to Loaf telling him this and tried to get him to create an account at so I can add him to the admins so that you guys can continue the project.
5) In the email I have also stated that I'll be availible to the next programmer to answer questions if needed.
6) I have not recieved a reply. So, one of two things will happen now. Either Loaf gets back to me and you guys can continue it at some point if you want or the project will become a zork.

The ball in now in the CIC's court. Take my offer or leave it, It makes no difference to me. Just like to note that this offer was extended.
Hey genius,

LOAF flew down to Austin, Texas last night. I'm sure when he's meeting those ex-Origin guy's for what-ever he's got planned, visiting the University of Texas (my alma mater and his school this upcoming fall), and inquiring about a place to live (I recommended the old apartment complex that I used to live at), I have the utmost confidence that your well-being is #1 on his priority list. :D
A couple of you also seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick about this thread. It started off with an icey attitude - and has since been resolved. No whining, get it? It's not branched into two topics - sigma_nunki and what he's talking about, and me trying to understand[/i] why Bandit feels how he does. There's entirely no reason to complain about any arguements now because there arent any. All that achieves is stiring things up and making yourselves look bad - and I'm sure you didn't have that in mind when you post :)
psych, read you sig.

And I'm not saying anything about my well-being. I'm trying to offload my project to you guys for *your* benefit. Quite frankly I don't care which one of you guys takes it. If you want it just post your source forge uid and I'll magically make you an admin, do my last CVS commits and bid you all farewell.

You are another who has missed my very clear point. I'm not arguing that people are arguing here. People here (these forums) argue constantly. Loaf himself above admitted that a lot of people here are jerks. This is why I'm leaving and want to hand off my project. If not to someone with the skill to do it, someone that one day will know someone that'll be able to do it, again for *WC community* benefit.

So, you people can stir the shit all you want. My goal is to make one of you an admin of EV and get out. And if no-one wants it, it's a zork. Again, the ball is in your court.
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