Lame insults you tossed

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Well, if you're anything like our residents of HLP - I think I know what the point is ;)

And sigma, no offence but your points dont concern me at all - neither does whatever argueing this forum has seen before now or your own domestic issues. I'm not here to stir that all up, to cause trouble or anything like that. I'm just trying to talk to Bandit about what we've been talking about these last couple of pages.
sigma_nunki said:
It's morons like you, Frosty and psych that are making me seriously reconsider continuing my project

I take that as a compliment. I think Frosty is pretty awesome and though me and psych haven't always gotten along, I have nothing but the utmost respect for him.
psych said:
You got that right . . . Christopher Ogden . . .

(seriously, I don't put anyone's real name, I don't believe in that)

Just to clear things up, my name is not Chris Ogden. I am just using my brother's e-mail for the time being.

Word. Always respect for my homies.
sigma_nunki said:
4) I have sent an email to Loaf telling him this and tried to get him to create an account at so I can add him to the admins so that you guys can continue the project.

Why would you try to do that with LOAF, the most indifferent person towards fan made games? Find someone who actually cares if it gets continued, or there's really no point.
I have already stated that I don't care who takes it (read above).

Again, who ever wants to continue it, or act as a "passer of the flame" until someone comes along that will can create an account at source forge and send me there uid here. Just click the link. And you have to be logged in for that contact form to work.

And now that all the links are posted and loose ends tied up are in public, I now retire from this community save anything that I have already stated that I am willing to do. I wish you all the best of luck in the future for you and your community.

I am absolutely amazed that this thread has gone on for this long without being closed....otherwise wtf is happening? did these guys just get hard up and need something to "whack off" over? Seriously, they are video games, not a political system or some shit....get a fucking life....and I hope you get something that makes your balls burn for insulting good people (namely Eder, Pysch and LOAF) who are just trying to keep something we all enjoy alive...go directional lighting your nuts...cuz I'm sure you still are curious what purpose that little flap of meat between your legs serves...
Don't worry about it. Just like saying that it's "just a video game", this is "just the internet". People come and go as they please - I just wish they didn't always leave a mess behind.
I suppose saying 'calm down' would be a little late, wouldn't it?

I'm glad this insane mess has finally settled back down. I didn't stumble into it until this morning (about fifteen minutes ago), and I"m kinda glad I didn't. I do have this to say in response to the HLP people: I like your work, but some of the comments in that thread were rude, they were crossing the line, and your egos seem to have inflated to the size of a carrier (Warlock GTCa, specifically).

Note: this is only aimed at certain people in the HLP thread Psych posted (anon, for example). I will note that I'm not always amused by people in this forum as well.

Some how i think this thread was kinda helpful for me, dispite the conflects between lets just say, the 2 groups. I'll tell you why.

As recently my passion for WC was rekindled by the best actors in the world (IMHO) Blair and Paladin, WC3 was the greatest game I've played, i know i know, there are lots of great games out there, but WC is just... so damn unique, in many ways.

Anyways, After playing all WC games, i was depressed when i found out that Origin no longer exists (well atleast in making WC games) and Chris Roberts hard retired. It felt like i'm in a disabled ship in the middle of no where and no one knows where you are or if you are still alive.

Then i read in this thread that lots of fans are working on mods, like Standoff and Wing Commander Saga, which is Totally wicked. Keeps me going anyways, thanks to all of you guys for keeping this game alive. (way better then those dillholes at EA, they could of atleast sold the WC rights to some other company)

-Your local newbie.
While I respect your opinion and understand your frustration, the axiom "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" comes to mind. Things are looking up at EA, despite Origin closing.
Dundradal: dedicated thousands of man hours of your own time for free and then let it by attacked

For reference: I never insulted Eder, I will not go into the issue with Psych because we've called a cease fire, and LOAF needs an attitude adjustment because he's placing blame for the sake of blame.

The last one can be done in a civil manner - you are not acting civil. Go away
Charity begins at home, buddy. Stop being silly and you might see your enviroment around you change.
are you talking to me Lehah?

maybe LOAF should follow that advice - burning FreeSpace CD's because you blame them for something they didn't cause (but you claim they did) is a little extreme - whether they actually did it or not

"Burning CD"s reminds me of fundamentalists who are in the bush camp - immature, ignorant, etc - kinda like all those redneck's that burned dixie chick's CDs because they criticized bush

LOAF needs to justify his accusations logically - not just "oh they used it as reference for their possible product which they cancelled! so it caused the cancellation" -- that's a non sequitur
Kazan said:
Dundradal: dedicated thousands of man hours of your own time for free and then let it by attacked

For reference: I never insulted Eder, I will not go into the issue with Psych because we've called a cease fire, and LOAF needs an attitude adjustment because he's placing blame for the sake of blame.

The last one can be done in a civil manner - you are not acting civil. Go away

The best thing to do in that situation is simply ignore people's attacks. I mean seriously, what's the worst they can do? Probably nothing besides be a little pest. And who hasn't put a lot of time into something only to have it badmouthed by someone. Not everyone will love everything.

I just don't like the fact when someone comes in and starts throwing shit out there for what seems to be the simply fact that they want to throw shit around. So what if LOAF has an attitude you don't like? Ignore him. I've been around the WC community for a while and I can vouch for both him and Pysch in saying they are the same way they've been since the mid-90's. They are good guys doing great things, so what if they come off a little rough. They don't however start stupid threads that blow up into huge shit tossing contests...
Moonsword said:
Note: this is only aimed at certain people in the HLP thread Psych posted (anon, for example).
Meh, I just like annoying people.

*kicks Delance in the nuts and runs around screaming "Anarchy!"*

*wanders off and fires up Photoshop*
Kazan said:
"Burning CD"s reminds me of fundamentalists who are in the bush camp - immature, ignorant, etc - kinda like all those redneck's that burned dixie chick's CDs because they criticized bush

Stop benig stupid, or at least shut up.
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