I like the design, it looks... Kilrathi! Great start!
I think it would be perfect for a great hall somewhere on a planet base or a really big ship.
...it is just too big if it is for a ship I think. I don't know where it could fit on any ship except the KDN.
I like the trophies and the sloped walls. The furnace is a neat idea but on a smaller version I would omit it. Those things are pretty dangerous in smaller rooms.
Having ships in the main hall sounds like something Kilrathi would do, but I think it would be impractical. Another problem would be that it should be... generic, so other Kilrathi mods can use it as well. Having ships from one era standing around there would be strange when the mod is in another era. That's the cool thing with Saga's main hall. If you replace the view to the hangar deck with a generic view into space (like in Shotglass' bar) and remove the Hermes logo on the wall it is pretty generic. It will fit for almost every Terran campaign.
I'm not sure if I like the picnic blankets though, I'm still thinking about them.
The size of the room should be comparable to the Saga main hall I think, because a size like that will fit as a central room for most ships, not only the big ones. My campaign for example will have a rather small ship as the base of operations, people will find it weird if the main hall is half the size of the whole ship
Also the six clickable spots (campaign choice, pilot choice, preferences, start mission, tech room, exit) should all be big enough (compare Saga main hall's door size) that people can easily find and click them.
So yeah, while I like your design very much I think it doesn't fit for the desired purpose the way it is, which is why I would kindly ask you to try again.
And of course the offer still stands: If anyone else has ideas as well, go ahead and post them!
In other news: I am working full speed on my mod and will soon post some more facts about it. I have already wrote most of the second story chapter, mission 6/10 is close to being finished, and I'm working on some special things at the moment.