You know, this whole ordeal has really got me pissed. Here we have a problem that could have been eliminated in '91, but instead, the ground war was brought to a halt and left. Now I continue to wait for something to happen while every second of time we give the enemy makes them ever more bold to attack our turf.
I'm glad I'm not the Prez...I would go down in history as the Butcher of Baghdad. Just turn the entire region into a giant glass wonder (and no, not with nukes; we can do it without 'em). Needaham mentioned the old "don't judge the whole tree by the bad apple" bit, but in reality, it's the reverse. Most of the people over there are, unfortunately, so brainwashed that they would lobotomize themselves and drink acid at the drop of Saddam's hat should he will it. Should we liberate Iraq, we need to show them something they can understand. First, tie Saddam down in the town square for everyone to see, open his belly up, crush his appendix bare-handed, and pour angry fire ants inside to let them burrow deep. Then, continuously broadcast over loudspeakers that thy are free nonstop, all the while helping them rebuild. Once we do that, we get the fuck out and let them run their own damn country in peace.
Also, an unfortunate fact remains that we have to persuade a bunch of weasels before we can act...supposedly. Really, it's the French that have me pissed right now. I can understand the Germans; they have strong economic ties with Iraq. That's why they don't want to side with As much as I hate to admit it, that is a reasonable excuse to oppose, becaus they do need the money. So does Russia, and folks, I wouldn't care if Russia sides with us and not support us JUST AS LONG AS THEY DON'T VETO. I think we really need to help them, because those people are in a bad way right now. And here we have France with no excuse, but they just want to be a little bitch about it. Just because Saddam has missiles that MIGHT be able to explode dirty warheads in to their borders, they run with their tails between their legs. Do you see Israel running for cover? Hell no. They have wanted a piece of Saddam always.